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  1. MsAnitaBlue

    Anita Blue in Europe for 5 months!!!!!!!

    AWWWW!!!!! Kisses Babe
  2. MsAnitaBlue

    Anita Blue in Europe for 5 months!!!!!!!

    Danke... My favorite foods out here are currywurst with frit espeacial and I love metwurst.
  3. MsAnitaBlue

    Need help about Freeones

    Thanks for all the help guys. I've been trying to fix it for like a year now
  4. MsAnitaBlue

    Anita Blue in Europe for 5 months!!!!!!!

    I also wanna tell you all that when I was shooting they were talking to me in German and I had know clue what was going on so they were flipping me around f***ing my hard and eating the h*** out of me. I think f***ing in German is so hot. It makes me feel like a very naughty naughty girl. I'm...
  5. MsAnitaBlue

    Anita Blue in Europe for 5 months!!!!!!!

    LOL. You are funny.
  6. MsAnitaBlue

    To All My London Peep!!!!!!

    I'll be coming to London on March 6 thru March 20th. Look for me at Photo Girls...
  7. MsAnitaBlue

    Anita Blue in Europe for 5 months!!!!!!!

    I am in Germany baby
  8. MsAnitaBlue

    Need help about Freeones

    When my page on freeones comes up the picture is not me. How can I get that changed because I emailed them a couple of times about it. If anyone knows how to help please let me know. Thanks, Anita Blue
  9. MsAnitaBlue

    Anita Blue in Europe for 5 months!!!!!!!

    Hi Ya Guy, I know I know I haven't been on in a while but I have been so busy of the late. I am Europe for 5 months and just shot my first scene was for Harry S Morgan with Vivian Schmit and Chris Charming. I did a G/G and I took a big cock up my ass. It was pretty cool. I had a lot of fun...
  10. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your thoughts on......

    To blonde stuff down for you all. This is what this thread is about. It's not about hating porn or anything like that. I was wondering if you were a director for a day what would you shoot and how would you shoot it.
  11. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your thoughts on......

    Not what I was talking about. I was talking about if you could be a director for a day what would you shoot and how would you shoot it.
  12. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your thoughts on......

    I agree that the word pornstar doesn't mean a thing now a days. It is true that now you can google search it and find it every where. By the way feel free to go on and on and on.
  13. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your thoughts on......

    So a little more romance, I agree. Blushes babe.
  14. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your thoughts on......

    I know that porn scenes now a day aren't as they were back in the day. Even a lot of performs are lazy and unfriendly. I hope that it changes soon because it is getting a little boring.
  15. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your thoughts on......

    I was just wondering what you gentlemen think of porn now a day. Is it what you guys would like to see?
  16. MsAnitaBlue

    I'm Back!!!!!

    Okay, for those of you that don't know what I have been working on. I have been getting back into tip top shape because I have big big plans for Anita Blue next year.
  17. MsAnitaBlue

    Hey Everyone. It's Anita Blue.

    Thanks for the welcomes. Big Kisses to you all. Let put it this way, I said what I said out of being mad but you know what I have realized it takes to much time to be mad a t people, so what I have to say about all these people how spend there times spreading stuf about others is get a life and...
  18. MsAnitaBlue

    Anita Blue (American) - AKA: Anita, Bambi, Kaylynn Kage

    Re: Anita Blue!!!! Wow!!!! Thanks for showing me all the old links. Its funny to me because I remember almost all of my earlier scenes. Great times.
  19. MsAnitaBlue

    Tell Me Who Your Favorite Star Is!!!!!!

    Thanks for all the replies. I love Angel too. She such a dirty girl. I gotta check out the others that you all are suggesting.
  20. MsAnitaBlue

    I'm Back!!!!!

    You guys are too funny. I have trying to get into tip top shape because I might get into doing some fitness modeling and I'm also getting back into shape for myself because I feel like I kind of gotten out of shape for a couple of years. I wanna lose at least 10 more pounds and put on a bit more...
  21. MsAnitaBlue

    I'm Back!!!!!

  22. MsAnitaBlue

    I'm Back!!!!!

    Thanks babe
  23. MsAnitaBlue

    I'm Back!!!!!

    I can't wait to get back to Europe
  24. MsAnitaBlue

    I'm Back!!!!!

  25. MsAnitaBlue

    I'm Back!!!!!

    Thank you babe.
  26. MsAnitaBlue

    I'm Back!!!!!

  27. MsAnitaBlue

    I'm Back!!!!!

    I just got done working out when I took those pictures.
  28. MsAnitaBlue

    How often do you masturbate?

    I'm on my 3rd one today
  29. MsAnitaBlue

    Tell Me Who Your Favorite Star Is!!!!!!

    Thanks for sharing....
  30. MsAnitaBlue

    I'm Back!!!!!

    Here is the side view....
  31. MsAnitaBlue

    I'm Back!!!!!

    Hello Everyone, I know that I have been gone for a little bit. I just got back from Europe. In had a blast. I'm a little depressed about being back in the states but I'll get over it. Here is what I have been working on. I would like to hear your thoughts.
  32. MsAnitaBlue

    Tell Me Who Your Favorite Star Is!!!!!!

    Thanks for sharing your favorite stars with me
  33. MsAnitaBlue

    How Do You??????

    Does anyone know how to pos more than one picture at a time on here????
  34. MsAnitaBlue

    Lingerie!!!!!! What are your thoughts?????

    With a nice tan body...........
  35. MsAnitaBlue

    Lingerie!!!!!! What are your thoughts?????

    I have to find some and post them.....
  36. MsAnitaBlue

    What would be a Great Fetish Scene?????

  37. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your favorite fetish??????

    I like sneakers too. Let me think about it and I'll get back to you....
  38. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your favorite fetish??????

    So The basic colors.....
  39. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your favorite fetish??????

    Cool.... I think lactating is cool.... I also love corsets....
  40. MsAnitaBlue

    What would be a Great Fetish Scene?????

    Long sexy legs.....
  41. MsAnitaBlue

    What would be a Great Fetish Scene?????

    What kind of boots????
  42. MsAnitaBlue

    Lingerie!!!!!! What are your thoughts?????

    I was looking at Agent Provocateur the other day and I simply love there lingerie. I don't know what type of style you could call it maybe like 50 style, I don't know but I think that they have some really nice things... Oh I also like Trashy's lingerie too....
  43. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your favorite fetish??????

    Can't see the pic....
  44. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your favorite fetish??????

    I think 34 DD is a perfect size. WHat would be 2 big???? SO where there is just enough fat but not bouncy???? Open Toes are so sexy with a red polish...
  45. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your favorite fetish??????

    Why 34 DD?????
  46. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your favorite fetish??????

    pointy toe, round toe, what kind?????
  47. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your favorite fetish??????

    What colors????
  48. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your favorite fetish??????

    Cool.... So how do you fell about a chick who can lick her nipples????
  49. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your favorite fetish??????

    SO you like sneakers?????
  50. MsAnitaBlue

    What is your favorite fetish??????

    May I ask why plastic bags?????