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  1. milanista

    Hey thanks for the add

    Hey thanks for the add
  2. milanista

    thank you for the add

    thank you for the add
  3. milanista

    thanks for the add

    thanks for the add
  4. milanista


    Re: Deauxma - my official thread Deauxma has the best tits
  5. milanista

    Eve Lawrence / Eve Laurence / Envy

    Hey Eve hope you had a nice birthday and had lots of gifts
  6. milanista

    Hottest Black Chick!!!

    Lavish Styles is hot. Would love to see more of her
  7. milanista

    thanks for the add

    thanks for the add
  8. milanista

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Re: Got Gisele ( / Love Gisele ( Gisele is super hot. Can't believe she is single what a idiot her old bf was letting her go!!
  9. milanista

    Tanya Tate

    Tanya in latex makes my heart melt. HOT!!!
  10. milanista

    Sara Jay

    Re: Sara Jay - World's curviest babe You would be welcome in Wales aswell
  11. milanista

    Miss Hybrid - official thread

    Wow ive been away too long. Miss Hybrid ive missed you
  12. milanista

    Thanks for the add

    Thanks for the add
  13. milanista

    Thank you for the add!

    Thank you for the add!
  14. milanista

    thanks for the add. You are hot

    thanks for the add. You are hot
  15. milanista

    thanks for the add!

    thanks for the add!
  16. milanista

    thank you for the add

    thank you for the add
  17. milanista

    thanks for the add

    thanks for the add
  18. milanista

    Thanks for the add!!

    Thanks for the add!!
  19. milanista

    thanks for the add

    thanks for the add
  20. milanista

    Parla inglese molto buono meglio di mi parlo italiano. I hope that translation is correct. Avete...

    Parla inglese molto buono meglio di mi parlo italiano. I hope that translation is correct. Avete sentito di Galles? Have you heard of Wales. È molto bello ma piove tutto il tempo:rofl:
  21. milanista

    Samantha Wise

    Re: Samantha Wise (unofficial fan thread) Great pics. You are so beautiful
  22. milanista

    No sono di gallese. Sto imparando l'italiano ma parlo solo un po'. Bari sembra molto bello...

    No sono di gallese. Sto imparando l'italiano ma parlo solo un po'. Bari sembra molto bello. Vorrei visitare italia un giorno. Ti piace il calcio?
  23. milanista

    thanks for the add

    thanks for the add
  24. milanista

    Hey, thanks for the add

    Hey, thanks for the add
  25. milanista

    Ava Addams / FTV Luna / Alexia Adams / Alexia Roy

    Re: Ava Addams / FTV Luna Ava you are so beautiful
  26. milanista

    thanks for the add

    thanks for the add
  27. milanista

    hey thanks for the add

    hey thanks for the add
  28. milanista

    Hey thanks for the add

    Hey thanks for the add
  29. milanista

    What languages do you speak?

    I speak english, some welsh and some italian. But im hoping to learn spanish
  30. milanista

    thanks for the add

    thanks for the add
  31. milanista

    thanks for the add. You look great!

    thanks for the add. You look great!
  32. milanista

    thanks for the add

    thanks for the add
  33. milanista

    thanks for the add

    thanks for the add
  34. milanista

    thanks for the add

    thanks for the add
  35. milanista

    Roxy Raye

    Hey Roxy welcome to the board. Can't wait to see more from you
  36. milanista

    Scots 'drink a quarter more alcohol' than other Brits

    Im from Wales and even from a young age the culture was to drink alot. In my town you look stupid if you don't drink. Sad really because i've seen alot of peoples lives affected by drinking, but its just a way of life in Wales.
  37. milanista

    thanks for the add

    thanks for the add
  38. milanista

    Danielle Delaunay / FTV Danielle (Busty)

    Re: Danielle FTV - Busty FTV Girl Very sexy babe
  39. milanista

    Thanks for the add and welcome to the board.

    Thanks for the add and welcome to the board.
  40. milanista

    Nina Mercedez

    Wow your going to be busy. Not many work as hard as you fair play. Looks like you've got some great scenes comming up
  41. milanista

    Black girls

    Some of my favourites Jenna Brooks,4236,0.html Lacey Duvalle Melodee Bliss Jada Fire...
  42. milanista

    Kardashian sisters

    kourtney for me
  43. milanista

    Vanilla De Ville / Vanilla DeVille

    Re: HELL YEAH (pt5): Vanilla Deville Those pics are sweet. Vanilla you are a goddess
  44. milanista

    Sara Jay

    Re: Sara Jay - World's curviest babe Sara you are super. Love the tongue piercing
  45. milanista

    Bree Daniels

    Hey Bree you are one hot babe.
  46. milanista

    thank you for the add

    thank you for the add
  47. milanista

    thank you so much for the add

    thank you so much for the add
  48. milanista

    thanks for the add

    thanks for the add
  49. milanista

    Angie George

    Re: Angie George - Brit MILF She is amazing
  50. milanista

    thanks for the add

    thanks for the add