Scots 'drink a quarter more alcohol' than other Brits


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Im from Wales and even from a young age the culture was to drink alot. In my town you look stupid if you don't drink. Sad really because i've seen alot of peoples lives affected by drinking, but its just a way of life in Wales.


You need copious amounts of alcohol to find Scottish women vaguely attractive.

Naw I gotta stick up for my fellow celts.....Their women are very attractive well some of them, They just usually dont hang around scotland for too long lulz.....Remember bumping into a hot blonde scottish chick at err ahem the strip club over in canada (working as a waitress or drinks person) got into an argument with her right enough due to her insistence on claiming I was not Irish. Though I found it hard to get offended or even get my irish up as she proceeded to ram her rather ample bossom into my chest a few times during this, Fucking weird ass push tbh so I merely laughed in her face and proceeded to put on my best fat bastard voice over........I'm dead sexy eughhhhh....


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Im from Wales and even from a young age the culture was to drink alot. In my town you look stupid if you don't drink. Sad really because i've seen alot of peoples lives affected by drinking, but its just a way of life in Wales.

Yeah, drinkin' can cause mountains of problems. Trust me on this.
Same drinkin' culture here in England. Some people even say "eating is cheating". Just fuckin' stupid. Drink manufacturers dream.

Naw I gotta stick up for my fellow celts.....Their women are very attractive well some of them, They just usually dont hang around scotland for too long lulz.....Remember bumping into a hot blonde scottish chick at err ahem the strip club over in canada (working as a waitress or drinks person) got into an argument with her right enough due to her insistence on claiming I was not Irish. Though I found it hard to get offended or even get my irish up as she proceeded to ram her rather ample bossom into my chest a few times during this, Fucking weird ass push tbh so I merely laughed in her face and proceeded to put on my best fat bastard voice over........I'm dead sexy eughhhhh....

I never met a pretty Scottish gal (tho, apart from my ex, they were all rather nice girls personality wise).
I know an Irish girl who is just a stunner tho. Nice girl too. Where in Ireland ya from? I was in Dublin a bit back & it was lovely.
Picking a fight with a nightclub stripper? Really not bright btw.
What's with the hammer and sickle btw?


Yeah, drinkin' can cause mountains of problems. Trust me on this.
Same drinkin' culture here in England. Some people even say "eating is cheating". Just fuckin' stupid. Drink manufacturers dream.

I never met a pretty Scottish gal (tho, apart from my ex, they were all rather nice girls personality wise).
I know an Irish girl who is just a stunner tho. Nice girl too. Where in Ireland ya from? I was in Dublin a bit back & it was lovely.
Picking a fight with a nightclub stripper? Really not bright btw.
What's with the hammer and sickle btw?

The occupied north...lulz

As for picking the fight I didn't pick it, Plus a lot of the gorilla's where about and they where pretty much laughing at my charm or maybe cheek.....I did however eventually make a hasty exit.(Don't push your luck)

I am a pinko commie bastard......Naw just kidding anyone with brains knows communism doesnt work, I just like it cause its pretty much counter culture. Still a immature 25 year old nerd I guess.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I'll meet up with you and Mrtrebus at Kings Cross and we can have
a gang bang :thefinger

Nice! I'll eat some sweetcorn for texture

The occupied north...lulz

As for picking the fight I didn't pick it, Plus a lot of the gorilla's where about and they where pretty much laughing at my charm or maybe cheek.....I did however eventually make a hasty exit.(Don't push your luck)

I am a pinko commie bastard......Naw just kidding anyone with brains knows communism doesnt work, I just like it cause its pretty much counter culture. Still a immature 25 year old nerd I guess.

Lulz... before my recent holiday I hadn't been to Ireland in YEARS....
Allow me to quote a great man just to stir up a shit storm on this board:

"Socialism is the sermon on the mount applied"
-James Kier Hardy


Torn & Frayed.


Torn & Frayed.
No kidding. I've just come off yet another binge just the other day, so this weekend I'm back on the water wagon. :( This university stuff is a big time stresser.

Don't worry,I'll drink one for you,or two or three,or....

Fuck it,how many members does this board have?
Don't worry,I'll drink one for you,or two or three,or....

Fuck it,how many members does this board have?

Yeah, that's my problem. I just did a litre of Phillips on Tuesday; that was my last drink for a good week, at least. I was actually doing alright but just slipped, ya know. :beer: I need to start smoking more "oneys" to aleviate my lethal drinking patterns.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Yeah, that's my problem. I just did a litre of Phillips on Tuesday; that was my last drink for a good week, at least. I was actually doing alright but just slipped, ya know. :beer: I need to start smoking more "oneys" to aleviate my lethal drinking patterns.

If you feel you have a drinkin' problem and would like to stop or cut down, I'd recommend Allen Carr's easy way to control alcohol; after six years of smoking I read his book the easy way to stop smoking and I stopped smoking overnight.