to . Can't stand them ... unlessssss maybe a hot babe was using one on herself. Maybe I might be talked into licking it but still have to say no to munching down on one!
We have a local radio talk show host here in Atlanta, GA that says, "Somebody has to cook the fries!" We should be thankful that there are those who don't dream of anything more than that! "Would you like to supersize your value meal?"
Pretty lame of the girl... wonder what else she does to set an example for her child. We can be sick and perverted as adults but leave the kids out of it!
When I was a kid they only had regular ol' legos. Now they seem to make them into everything. We had to be creative to make different things. Kind of takes the fun out of them I guess.
Nasty is all I've got to say. I have been with a woman who squirts and did research on it. Some of the things in female ejaculations are similar to pee but it is not pee.