Mr and Mrs. Sunshine Liberal would have no problem I suppose with having a couple of hard core gangstas moving in next door and hitting on their daughter. Nope deep down they wouldn't be stereotyping at all. :facepalm:
Enough to know what I'm talking about.
Golly can I have your autograph?
They'd first be introduced to Federal 230gr .45 +P ACP.
Trust me this is Stage 2 from the black community/Left. If they don't get their way there will be riots except this time there will be a ton of backlash against the rioters.
Didn't some atheist get pummeled by a muslim over a Halloween prank? It went to court and the suit filed by the atheist was thrown out by the judge. Atheists be mad.
I support Barry's class warfare, increased taxes, more red tape to set up new businesses, more taxes, bowing before Iran, spend spend spend, tax tax tax.
Corolla will now be attacked by every loony lefty as a hack, a puppet, "I always hated him" shit, now that he gives his opinion......which I agree with 100%.
The oil blockade was a response to Japan's expansionist aims throughout Asia. Hell the blockade was justified just by what the Japanese did in Nanking in '37 as well as the attack on the USS Panay.
Yes I am.
Religion can be used as a means of control by some. However, religion/spirituality in itself has nothing to do with control.
As for Hell I'm convinced part of it exists here on Earth.
Iran's douchebag crusty mullah sexually frustrated cleric junta will be pounded into so much dust in due time. When that happens I will raise a toast of the finest Belgian ale.