Search results

  1. Rey C.

    Fake sniper in California.

    I read a fake story on a fake news network's website (CNN) about a fake sniper shooting a (soon to be) fake cop in the shoulder.
  2. Rey C.

    World-Class Nudes: Playoffs!

    "Chamber Maid": premise for a nice fantasy. :)
  3. Rey C.

    Gosh-Darn Golly-Gee-Wiz, That Was Some Gooooooood Burger King I Just Had I Tell You What!

    You tried that non-meat burger at BK yet? Just out of curiosity, I'm going to try one. Yeah, it's a fad created that's apparently loaded with more harmful shizzle than a straight-up Angus Whopper. But I just wonder what it tastes like.
  4. Rey C.

    Mia Khalifa is among the world’s most-watched women. Yet the porn industry is keeping the profits.

    Well, as I said in the other thread about her, maybe she made a bad contract decision early on. Course, maybe she got the going rate and it was just a standard deal. Why would any porn production company have given her a share of profits back then, when there would have been a line of girls...
  5. Rey C.

    Payday Loan 'Protections' Would Harm Millions of Struggling Americans

    These short term lenders are the worst example of predatory lending, outside of loan sharks who will break your legs if you miss a payment, that I can think of. I might argue that loan sharks are more honest, since they tend to make it pretty clear what the consequences of nonpayment are...
  6. Rey C.

    Repostìng so more people can read the good news

    Thank you for The Word. Have a blessed day. :hatsoff:
  7. Rey C.

    Busty asian girl in bikini

    Sharon Lee?
  8. Rey C.

    President Trump Considers Labeling Antifa an ‘Organization of Terror’

    No!!! That might lead to people eventually growing brains and actually talking to each other (rationally, logically...) to work through issues. Then they'd realize they're being played for suckers and sheep by the capos and string pullers. That could lead to trouble for our betters. And we...
  9. Rey C.

    What is a Latina anyway?

    Ya know, by all (historical) rights, Italian girls should be the ones to say which other girls can call themselves a Latin(a). Amirite or amirite... or am_i_rite?
  10. Rey C.

    Maria Bartiromo: You Fuck Her Or No?

    I tell ya one who used to be a real cutie: Sue Herera. Back in the 80s when she was at FNN (before CNBC existed), she was a babydoll. Now she looks like she ate a baby. I mean we all get older and put on some pounds that sneak up on us. But dayuuuum! She's gone from Cute Susie to Big Sue...
  11. Rey C.

    Our "genius" president can't seem to figure out...

    I gotta be honest: I haven't figured that out either. I always guessed it was because more American Jews than Israeli Jews are secular/non-practicing Jews and they tend to be socially liberal. :dunno: More than a few of the secular American Jews that I know are opposed to Zionism, though...
  12. Rey C.

    Pornstar earnings - Mia Khalifa

    It's 2019. You can't be a somebody these days until you tell your "poor widdle me" victimhood story. I've seen her name before, but I have no idea who she is. Sorry. :dunno: While I might have a certain amount of sympathy for some wide-eyed, crazy brave, super patriot kid, who joins the...
  13. Rey C.

    Maria Bartiromo: You Fuck Her Or No?

    Nopey. Not back in the day and (certainly) not now. I've just never found her attractive. They used to call her "The Money Honey" (in the pre #MeToo era) and I thought :facepalm:. I just looked up her bio and I was shocked to learn that she's only 51. I thought she was around 60. IMO, she could...
  14. Rey C.

    Bugatti new ten milliin dollar car

    Much like Christy Canyon's pussy, I'd just like to touch it one time. Don't even need to get in it... just let me touch it ONE TIME! :drool2:
  15. Rey C.

    Rock Bands That Everyone Likes But You Don't Like

    Actually, you're right. My bad. They were mocking the people who held harsh views toward hair/glam bands... people like me. :rofl:
  16. Rey C.

    WTF is a Bitcoin?

    But in order to use it, you'd have to either sell it or spend it (in whole or in part). You know what it's worth now, but at what point would you turn loose of it? How would you have felt watching it zoom up to around $20K a few years ago and then watching it plummet back to earth? Remember...
  17. Rey C.

    Jeffrey Epstein dies by suicide

    And from Once Upon a Time in America (which is sort of appropriate in this case ;)) : "I slipped..." Good ones! Seriously. Some iconic lines in there. :clap: Hopefully the system will let me give you some deserved rep for that one. :thumbsup: ETA: Nope. I owe ya.
  18. Rey C.

    Jeffrey Epstein dies by suicide

    I understand that the guards and the (former?) warden are being sought for questioning. Through their attorneys, they've agreed to submit to questioning... as soon as they get back from their new vacation homes in Monaco. :D
  19. Rey C.

    Jeffrey Epstein dies by suicide

    A fellow told me one time that when you see a pigeon flying amongst a bunch of eagles, the pigeon thinks that he's one of the eagles. But in the minds of the eagles, he's just lunch if'n things get rough. Slick Willy Clinton, Dandy Don Trump, Mohammed bin Salman, Billy Gates, members of the...
  20. Rey C.

    Who's worse?

    From what I understand, Jeffie Epstein was more of a true predator just in the way that he procured young females. But I :dunno:
  21. Rey C.

    Rock Bands That Everyone Likes But You Don't Like

    This is a good start for me too. ^^^ Yeah, there's always a song or two by a suck band that I might think is cool. But overall, I hate those bands and/or their images. I'd also throw in most any hair/glam band from the late 70s through the 80s. The Dire Straits song, Money for Nothing, that has...
  22. Rey C.

    The Official Formula 1 Racing Thread

    And the revolving door at Red Bull continues to turn: Pierre Gasly out - Alex Albon in.
  23. Rey C.

    Mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio

    I don't know the answer. I don't even (really) know the root cause(s). When I was a kid (that's how people over the age of 50 start a diatribe), we had rifles and shotguns in our vehicles in the school parking lot during hunting season. As for gun availability, I had friends whose dads or...
  24. Rey C.

    Jeffrey Epstein dies by suicide

    Well, I'm not sure about all that. :D But yeah, here's a case where someone, who could have done major damage to some VERY rich and powerful people and families from all around the globe, conveniently commits suicide. Send him away? As long as someone's alive, they're able to talk. And there's...
  25. Rey C.

    The Gun Control debate thread

    Yup! I think several countries are ahead of us in that category. Right now, I have India at the top of my list. Any place where they walk by steaks on legs while they starve ain't my kinda place... guns or no guns. And the next call I get from some mumble-mouthed Mumbai goof calling himself...
  26. Rey C.

    The Official Formula 1 Racing Thread

    I can't recall another race where a well executed, late strategy call made ALL the difference. If Lewis had been in the lead, could Red Bull have done the same? I don't know. I suspect Lewis would have been able to turn up his engine more than Verstappen could with that Honda. But tire wear was...
  27. Rey C.

    A present day Lysistrata - NO NOOKIE!!

    There was a female comedian (back in the 80s or 90s, I think) who said, "if women didn't have pussies, men would hunt them for sport." Then, you consider the lesbians, male homos and women who crave dick as much as men crave pussy... I doubt that theory would work out so well. :D
  28. Rey C.

    Where in the world is it safe to travel?

    Eh, I guess so. But as far as the U.S. is concerned, despite mass shootings capturing the headlines, the U.S., on whole, is a safer place now (or as of 2017 data) than it was 25 years ago. I mean, the U.S. is a huge and diverse country. If you're a tourist traveling to the Grand Canyon or Hoover...
  29. Rey C.

    Jeffrey Epstein dies by suicide

    A guy who was wished dead by a whole host of rich and powerful Democrats and Republicans winds up dead before he can stand trial. Hmm. Not to sound like our pal Meesterperfect, but yeah... "he committed suicide". Did he have his hands bound behind his back?
  30. Rey C.

    Potatoes Or Rice: What Do You Eat More Of Now?

    Yeah, tell me about it. I got the pre-diabetic warning several years ago. Starches are my enemy. But I do like the fried rice when I eat Asian food.
  31. Rey C.

    A present day Lysistrata - NO NOOKIE!!

    I wouldn't be in a relationship with anybody who's a fan of a half-witted, talking sheep.
  32. Rey C.

    I'm back and I've got a brand new website! - BrianaLeeCams

    Howya. :wave: Glad you went back to brunette. Lookin' good. :)
  33. Rey C.

    Will the Millennials Save Playboy?

    Will the Millennials Save Playboy? Only if Playboy starts listing the most popular safe spaces, for those times when you just need a good cry.
  34. Rey C.

    Cashless Society/World ...Thoughts?

    Right. And if you think about it, doesn't a cashless system exclude people on the margins who aren't computer savvy, or whose lives and businesses are based in the cash world?
  35. Rey C.

    Cashless Society/World ...Thoughts?

    One problem I see with cryptocurrencies is that people tend to keep them in accounts maintained by sometimes sketchy offshore companies. They could run off with your money, or some hacker could take it. Either way, your money is gone (really, it was gone as soon as you converted from fiat/paper...
  36. Rey C.

    Where in the world is it safe to travel?

    In the case of new gun purchases (which can only be made through Federal Firearms License dealers), yes, they most certainly are. Any transfer of firearms ownership made through a dealer requires a background check. As well, ALL Title II weapons transfers require a background check. That's...
  37. Rey C.

    Bob's Spiritual Thread.

    I don't know which religion you're referring to, but as far as Christianity, you are incorrect. Judaism and Christianity don't follow fatalism. While there is a plan within these religions, there is also free will (read Genesis). You can choose to follow THE path, or any other path - it's...
  38. Rey C.

    The Official Formula 1 Racing Thread

    Well, congrats to Verstappen: 100th different pole winner in F1 history (if Sky is correct). I expected Red Bull to be strong here, but not THAT strong.
  39. Rey C.

    The Official Formula 1 Racing Thread

    He could be... if Lewis retires during the summer break. :D
  40. Rey C.

    President Trump Considers Labeling Antifa an ‘Organization of Terror’

    If anti-abortion protesters, or any other group, was doing what those punks in Portland were doing, then yeah, I'd be all for the National Guard banging their heads, if that's what it took to control and arrest them. But I also clearly said in my initial post: I believe in ONE set of legal...
  41. Rey C.

    Where in the world is it safe to travel?

    You really don't know much about gun laws in the U.S., do you? I'm not picking on you, but you seem to think that someone can walk out of San Quentin after serving a sentence for murder and waltz into a gun shop and walk out with an arm full of Glocks and AR-15s. Apart from their storage...
  42. Rey C.

    Where in the world is it safe to travel?

    I know. It's no different than the situation in the Washington Metro area when I lived there - only the "offending state" was primarily Virginia. And there was also a record number of D.C. Metro cops "losing" their new Glock 22s when they were first issued. $1500 street price for a $400 pistol...
  43. Rey C.

    Global Elites Take Private Jets, Yachts to Climate Summit

    Do as they say, not as they do.
  44. Rey C.

    Where in the world is it safe to travel?

    M'kay. Good idea. Not sure how it makes your point, but I actually like that idea. I think we should have that here. Pound some of these little snowflakes into adulthood. At home? :eek: :D Hmm, what sort of gun is that? Oh, a 5.56x45mm SIG SG 550. Why, I do believe that's a select fire...
  45. Rey C.

    A homo-woman attacked a church and was about to kill a priest

    Well, we can't all be as enlightened and all-knowing as you. :bowdown:
  46. Rey C.

    Where in the world is it safe to travel?

    Since gun happy Switzerland is ranked as being safer than even Japan, probably not. ;) I think that culture, upbringing and ingrained beliefs (morals and ethics) have as much or more to do with it than whether or not someone has access to a gun. Socio-economic factors (wealth, education levels...
  47. Rey C.

    President Trump Considers Labeling Antifa an ‘Organization of Terror’

    Because violence begets violence. Do you think MLK, Jr. would have been half as successful if he'd fire-bombed some White churches in retaliation for the violence that he and his followers faced? Seriously. How do you think that would have gone over? His methods gave the American people a CLEAR...