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  • Thanks for the rep lol. I have loved the series since the 2nd game. I got hooked on the Colonization version when I got the complete set.
    KOTOR FTW! did you see that jpeg of my gf's DK? wonder how many acronyms and intialisms i can put in this post? did you know that AT&T labs coined the term acronym? anyway....

    I didnt like his son either. I loved it when they make Angel sing Barry Manilow songs lol
    I have for the last few weeks for inventory prep. I actually prefer it...I did it for several years with the freight team.
    Oh well.
    I thought Buffy was too whiney lol I watched it mainly for Alyson Hannigan. I love her lol. But Angel was awesome. I loved how dark it was and when it got goofy. I have been getting pics together to make an Angel puppet sig lol.
    Yeah,I actually made it earlier than expected.The traffic this morning was unusually light too,I wonder why?....

    Saw plenty of cops,though...

    How was yours?
    I love Bones. Im a David Boreanaz fan since he was on Buffy. Thats one reason I like Merlin. Arthur's father is played by Giles on Buffy lol.
    I was watching The Office on hulu, but now I got the whole new season downloaded lol. I have been watching this show off BBC called Merlin.
    I dont have cable so I collect my fav shows on dvd. Other day my sister's bf told me where to download new shows so I dont even need tv lol.
    Walmart was selling 2 packs of the seasons for $20 each. I ended up getting the whole show lol.
    I think I will once the price drops a bit lol. I should be playing ffxiii but I keep watching Cosby show and playing ff tactics on psp lol.
    Sounds pretty cool. Im not much for shooter games but there are quite a few I can get into. I ended up playing MGS4 like a shooter and that was lots of fun lol.
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