Argh! What good are you then? You're supposed to know these things, dammit! Keep it up and you're going to lose the "oh revered" part from the front of your name. Then you'll just be plain ol' whimsy. You don't want that do you?
Yeah, where it shows. I tried cutting and pasting the embedded link from YouTube, but didn't know if the embedded code needs tags or whatnot. Eh, no big deal really. Thanks, man!
That was last Wednesday until this past Monday. Two days of great weather and three rainy days. Had a great time though being on vacation. It was totally what I needed. I'm glad I used two personal days and a sick day to cover it. Starting after tomorrow, my school goes on Spring Break. That's another week off, w00t!
well if you're like me you always played a male npc on kotor. we missed out on some funny carth dialogue though, here's a clip. funny stuff. i think i always took either juhani, jolendo, hk or bastilla with me so i never heard a lot of these