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  • I used to have seven, but one was murdered by a next door's dog (which subsequently suffered a mysterious disappearance) and I lost three in the divorce (sniff) ......All strays, all insane, all mine!
    Yah .. I have wheezy little snores about three feet from me; Another has taken over the bed and has a 'don't you dare disturb me' look; another is making an inventory of my pots and pans cupboard .....
    I document the lives of my herd relentlessly. No nap goes unsnapped, paw prints in snow, disgusted looks as they walk through snow, hilarious 'it's my box' wars, sneak in the knapsack ambushes .... ah, joy .....
    Awwwwww. Kitteh! :):)

    Uhm .... what's the pale, saucer-shaped object in the right hand of the frame??!!

    This is so true. I cringe at current vampric culture: barely pubescent man-boy/girl-boys flouncing around in the rain, mooning over their feelings.FUCK THAT! I want vampires that tear the throats out of virgins and dance in showers of hot blood.
    Noez offencez meantz .... it looks so harsh, is all. I prefer a kinder, gentler looking Whimsey avatar pic ........ sorry, hard to type. I am covered in cats .....
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