Vanilla Bear
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  • i know what you mean it is hard .
    i havnt slept since tuesday my mind is just racing im trying to be so strong for every here and then everyone on here it just seems like one big messed up bad dream
    i know it i see her name everywhere alot of people really cared and that helps ease the pain abit and to know they safe and in no pain and watching down over us all
    i been curious as to why and what happen . but out of respect to you and him i wont ask . i just feel helpless i hate seeing my friend hurt and upset . i knew he well enough to know that she would want you to carry on and do what you do so well and keep your head held high my friend
    thank thats what friends are for. do me a favor next time you speak to her hubby please send my love and thoughts i just hope he is ok. he lost the two most important things in the world to him i hope he doesnt do anything
    yeah it has been i would give every cent i own to redo this week and keep ava and denice safe and be there for my friend . if there is anything i can do for you at all please feel free to ask . im here for you guys.
    i just wish i would of gotten to know her more i was just in the middle of our friendship she was so sweet and so funny

    ps you didnt have to delet my email but i hope you use it if you feel like talking
    im good how are you holding i been thinking about you i know how close you were how is her husband holding up are you ok ?
    I thought I remembered that being in your "Location" or something like that.
    A very beautiful song.
    I'm off to bed.

    Try to eat something okay and some sleep if you can.

    Goodnight Maley.
    Doesn't have to be too heavy.

    Soup and crackers for example.

    You should get at least a little something into your system.
    At the moment it's 5 in the morning so not much action. :) Weather has been great the past few days so hope today will be the same.

    Taking the time to catch up on my e-mail correspondence. Maybe I can fit in some sleep in there somewhere.
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