Vanilla Bear
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  • Hope you didn't think it was a slight on you though.

    Some food and a movie sounds like just the thing right now.
    Because it's something I've never admitted to anyone and visitor messages are a bit too public for my liking.
    Believe me bud I know what that's like...

    One of the reasons why I'm grateful for this place.

    You could always visit the Golden Arches.
    Slept for 12 hours and am quite well rested.

    I should probably eat something.

    How's things on your end?
    The hugs and kisses are fine with me, my friend. I'm not jealous.

    We just came back from shopping:eek:
    2,5 hours walking, my feet aaahhh..
    Guess what she bought: leather boots, it's miore for the winter, but she allways wears them under a jeans. I like it, I'm not a foot fetish guy, I like her to wear boots. Okay, here in the house we are barefeets.

    The rest of the day is a bit relaxing.
    Watching some tv and preparing dinner.

    Enjoy your Monday!

    Well, about the porn thing: as long as I'm not sitting next to him, it's okay.
    Some of the pics I really like, like Georgia Jones or Mindy Vega or so.
    But most of the times I'm doing something else. As long we can spend much time together, it's okay with me.

    And he does the same if I'm on the internet doing "my thing"

    Well, we gonna enjoy the breakfast. It was a pleasure talking to you, sir.

    Hugs and love,
    Yes, sometimes life is a bitch, so to speak. Pain heels, my friend. Sometimes a bit more time then expected, but there will be a time you wake up with a smile again.

    The forum is great, first I had a big argument with uhm you know who about this, but it's not that bad as I thought.
    Okay, I don't like the hardcore, but I guess most of the ladies doesn't.

    I'm fine, thanks for asking.
    My honey is getting us some Kaiserbrötchen right now, I'm making us some coffee.

    Do you watch the WM leichtathletic? It's in Berlin, I guess.
    That Yousain Bolt was amazing yesterday, a new world record.

    Oh good morning, sir!

    Yes, I am at his place. We both enjoying our vacation.
    Enjoying some pics of hot ladies, okay, that's his job, I'm just watching them.

    I prefer doing the messages.

    How are you doing at the moment?
    Well there some things about it I like more than others - the pay's quite decent, I have more off days than on, great fringe benefits and I have way more autonomy than others in pay grade.

    But...the hours are loooong, you're expected to have the answer to EVERYTHING and the isolation both in my work and social life.

    Let's just say it's in an iconic area of London, so this time of year is particularly busy.

    I'm grateful I'm still young enough to do this. Think I only got 5 hours sleep since Friday.
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