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  • 8/9/2008 3:39:43 PM Intrusion.Win.MSSQL.worm.Helkern! Attacker IP address: Protocol/service: UDP on local port 1434. Time: 8/9/2008 3:39:43 PM

    I'm getting this whenever I'm entering this section. Why it is so??
    She is better but cranky. With a runny nose and fluctuating temperature, I too would have been cranky. But I'm sure (as the doctor said) she is to be well by Monday. :D
    "be a mother" gives a complete different connotation when your baby is suffering.
    Sorry to hear little Ava is running a fever, I hope Ava gets well soon! Let me know how you all are doing!
    Hello georges, it's always refreshing to have you around. I like French (bread & kiss). :D
    Your Ava is now asleep and I'm having a breather. I think she wants to be a chef, the way she is disintegrating my kitchen.
    Be happy. Best wishes. :thumbsup:
    Hi Pink, Yeah, we are doing fine. Ava & I were playing hide and seek a little while before. She now is asleep and I'm on the board. She is growing taller and chattier, while I'm growing a year with each of her day. :D But, let me tell you, its something I won't miss for the world.
    Dick, as you asked, will be able to answer only on Monday next. He will be back by then. Only thing I can tell you is, his credit card expenses are getting higher every month and he is paying his bills on time. :D Only my Psychology practice is limited to two highly dissatisfied clients, dd & Ava, that too "Pro-bono".
    I wish you a happy and rewarding life without financial worries. But money is not 'be all and end all' of things.
    Be there and here too. Best wishes.
    hi to my favorite couple and little ava

    I hope you are doing fine and have a great weather. Wishing you great holidays if you are in holidays.

    best regards and godspeed to you three

    Hi You Three!! Hope Everybody's Doing Fine! How's Little AVA? Growing I Bet!! Dick, How's Things At Work? Do You Still Feel You Made The Right Decision? I Went Back Into Photograpy, I'm SWAMPED! I Think I've Painted My Self Into A Corner! A Friend Is Helping Me Out! Things Have REALLY CHANGED Since I'd Hung Up My Camera To NOW!! A LOT Of LEGAL STUFF Bog's You Down!! I'd Better Go! All The Best To You Three! Take Care Of Each Other!! I'll Try To Jump In Here More Often!!
    pd...wassup? :)
    No, I don't have a weight problem even with meesterperfect's avy!
    I have lost around 20 lbs here in the Texas heat doing my job (satellite installation) and can't wear any of my older clothes.
    I hope you, dd, and Ava are kickin' it, and life is easy for ya'll !
    Peace, my sister...
    This weekend I'm waiting with a baited breath. So no outing. :D
    Thanks for your wishes.

    And I wish all the board members a hooot weekend.
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