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  • I'm having a real real nice one, :rolleyes: with ava with her seven legs and nine hands, walking around and grabbing anything she finds within reach. Her daddy, saying 'Umm', reclining in the chair with face-covered-with-a-newspaper-hideway, in several different languages having several different meanings.

    Sorry friends, its the pms time.

    I'm great, having a great time. Best wishes.
    Hey thanks, p&d. I hope you and yours have a good one too :thumbsup:
    Unfortunately I'm working most of this one, but next weekend will be serious party time :glugglug:
    A BIG hello to pd, dd and Ava! Hope things are going swell for you guys!
    Friends don't be sorry. They are there in good and in bad, equally and always. :mad:

    I'm well.

    350????? :rolleyes: Don't cut back. talk to 10 a day. That will be once every 35 days. We talk to my relatives, who are away, a lot less than that. :hatsoff:
    Sorry P+D, I seem to have subscribed to over 350 threads (!) and am having diffculty in keeping up with everything. Really think I should cut back on some of them. So, how's you?
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