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  • Ahhh all your yummy self produced lube flows away! :( :o

    I can't think of another question right now. You?
    I even prepared the post a few minutes before you reached the milestone so I just needed to hit "post". :o I'm not doing that for many people! :lovecoupl Only the ones that deserve it. And whom I like. ;)

    Blowjobs under water can be dangerous huh? :eek:

    I know water isn't a very good lube. But sex in general makes you dry? Not more wet? Even if you're really into the guy?
    I was looking at your profile...saw you were closing in so I refreshed it every couple of minutes till you reached the milestone. :o Because I wanted to open the thread for you! :shy:

    Just like me! I love the water. I would love to try all those cool sports you can do in it! :)

    But how about sexual watersports? Pee?
    :rofl: Noses yeah...must fit the rest of the face! For example Ann Marie has a pretty big nose, but it fits her face and so I love her nose! :)

    I think I have something what you can call fetishes. I love girl's wearing a flower in their hair. Like Hawaiian girls.
    I love sleeve tattoos and tattoos all over a girl's back. Not every girl can wear them though!
    And I love girl's wearing petticoats or German Dirndl.

    Do you like "watersports"? Sexual and non sexual?
    Yeah guys seem to like to cum in a girls' face. Especially in hot cute faces like yours. Dunno why. You don't like it in your face? Then tell the guys! :)

    Hmm...I'd love to try any of your body parts at least once! Especially your pretty boobies! Though my loads are not that porn big!
    And I'd love to cum in your pussy! :rubbel:

    Of course I think it's hot if a girl swallowes, but if she doesn't like the taste of my cum and spits I'm okay.

    I forgot to ask, do you actually have a preference on a girl's ethnicity?
    Yes! Show off your feeties! :lovecoupl :nanner:

    What's your favorite spot you want him to cum? Do you rather spit or swallow if it's in your mouth?
    You really love balls? What are doing with them mostly? :)

    Light bondage is good. I mean I'd try harder and more kinky stuff, too if the girl wants it, but so far I can't say I'm really into it.
    You know light pain when spanking is okay, but all this ball kicking or ball/breast squeezing till they turn purple and it hurts isn't my style. I(d) like to caress and spoil my girl not hurt her. And I don't really like to get hurt either. Especially on my private parts! :D

    Other than feet...hmm...Sexy shoes...but that's combined with feet. I can't think of something else right now. I'll tell you if I have something.
    I'm sucker for redheads, Asians and shemales. But that's not a fetish right? It's just being attracted to.

    What kind of shoes are you wearing the most or like to wear the most?
    Remember, you can ask me any question you want too! :) ;)

    Btw I heard that girls can practice to get more tight again! I'm not saying you're too loose! Just saying! :lovecoupl

    Btw...I so love your pussy! I've seen a video of you masturbating! Those lips and that sound your pussy made when you stuck your fingers in was sooooo yummy! I could suck on it for days! flylicker :shy: And like I said or meant, I don't think your too loose for me even though I'm not the biggest/thickest.

    Aaaaaanyway...Do you have a fetish? Do you like the more kinky stuff?
    Aww sweety! :lovecoupl Don't be sad! You have a beautiful pussy and I'm sure you're not so loose that I'd need the girth of a truck or something! ;) Though I have to say "I"m not very "thick". :o

    Actually every girl "can" squirt. :) I'd love to try my luck to get you there! :lovecoupl :shy:

    Have you ever had sex with a black, Asian or Latino? Do you want to? What's your favorite ethnicity for a guy? Do you like one more than the others?
    No that's not sad! It's sweet of you! Shows that size doesn't matter to you! :)

    Why is girth more important if you want to teach him? :o

    And do you squirt?
    Huh? What does homes that were barely framed in mean? :o

    But under a natural waterfall sounds hot! :)

    How big was your biggest cock? :D And what's more important to you....length or girth?
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