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  • Good to hear! :)

    Well, Germany won the first game 4-0 but most of the other games are pretty boring so far.

    As long as you are here I ask some other questions. :tongue:

    What's your favorite place to have sex? What's the "weirdest" or most exciting place you ever had sex or want to have sex besides on an air plane?
    Aww you know your hugs make me feel better all the time! :lovecoupl

    Okay, see you later gorgeous! Take care! :kiss:
    But she didn't know it. I don't even really know if she liked me as well. :dunno:

    Glad you're doing good! Sad you have to leave again soon! :(

    I'm okay.

    Another question...What was the farthest you were ever away from your home?
    Yes it was! And I had a crush on the daughter of the family where we lived. :o

    So how are you and your girlies doing today? :)
    Okay, as long as you don't put it on your head! ;)

    J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets! :) Oh and I'm not a big hockey fan anymore. I used to be a Red Wings fan and of course I'm still glad when they win something, but I'm not really following it anymore.

    Glad you're back and safe, but of course sad the kiddies are upset! :(

    I remember when I was in the US once as a kid for vacation I cried on the plane back home! I was so sad we had to go back home! :(
    Quite all right, Alisa - idiocracy really was a very good movie (and tragically ignored) - the scenario showing why idiots are breeding quicker than intelligent people was a classic. Amazing that it was not even Mike Judge's best, as Office Space blows it out of the water.
    NOOOOOOOO!!!! The Packers?!?!?!?! :weeping:

    I hate them! :o Lucky you that you're so sweet and sexy! :D ;)

    Okay...:( Have lots of fun gorgeous and come back safe!!! :lovecoupl

    I'll be here waiting for you! Yeah I know I'm a loser, cause I will be here checking all the time if you're back! :o

    Big Kiss! :kiss:
    I hope so! :o

    Sure! So we have both something to teach the other! ;) :lovecoupl

    A few more minutes is at least something! :o I just meant it's more import for me to know you're doing good than to talk to you for long! Even though I of course love it to talk to you for longer than just a few minutes! :kiss: :lovecoupl

    Btw I forgot to ask... What are you favorite football and hockey teams?
    Haha...but I guess it's always something different if it's your own kids. :)

    And I think it's the best that can happen in someones life to have kids. But I need a girl first! Step by step! :D :o

    Cool that sounds fun. Would love to be there, too. Not only because you are there. ;)

    But I sit at home watching the world cup. So I'm okay. I already played soccer myself today so I'm not really in the mood anymore to do something exhausting like chopping wood. :o

    Aww...:shy: If we can't talk then I'm just always glad to hear that you are doing good. :lovecoupl
    Aww I want one, too! And I love pregnant women! Sooooo...if you really think about getting another one... :hi: :shy:

    Sorry your day is/was so busy. Hope it's better today. :)

    Miss talking to you. :o
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