Thank you sweet goddess Mandy for the rep
! Oh no that is not it lol, you will be back as a siggy and avatar, no doubt. I wont even promise it, it just is a fact. On freeones, you are my doubt about that
! No other, not even close, not even a shadow of another!
Just every now and then, the honor to a different lady, cant give you all the attention. You can be and are quite an obsession for me to be honest, so I need to re-focus every now and then
! You truly are second to none. Just everything about you (as far as I know you here online ofcours
), looks, sense of humor, atttitude, interaction....I so enjoy the Mandy I know on this forum.
And believe me, maybe you are not that present here as a year (or two ago), but you still come back to the thread, you are so appreciated by your fans because of it.....but I (and I am sure others) can understand that you do not pay your bills and attention to freeones only.
A Big kiss.....