L3ggy Jul 14, 2011 Men's FA have existed since the 1800's, and Women's FA got some attention in the 70's.
L3ggy Jul 14, 2011 There won't be until Women's Football Association gets the attention Men's Football Association.
M M Member442 Jul 12, 2011 LOL...but...but my name is pink I should be treated different How are you HB?
M M Member442 Jul 12, 2011 Is it bad that I thought it was monday when I posted that but knew it was sunday and the OOTW needed to be closed?? I guess I underestimated how tired I really was yesterday. I shall.
Is it bad that I thought it was monday when I posted that but knew it was sunday and the OOTW needed to be closed?? I guess I underestimated how tired I really was yesterday. I shall.