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  • YW off course and thanks for asking, I'm fine in general.
    Sometimes some emotional days, mostly good days, but that's normal.
    Heya, Bee, I'm OK, I can't complain I guess. (big lie) :D
    I'm just trying to stay C:cool::cool:L, both literally and figuratively.

    How's business this summer thus far?
    Yeah, your in "good hands" with your "good neighbor" as long as they are just collecting your premiums......but go and try to file a claim.....and it's all "who are you again?" & "you failed to read the fine print" you are only covered on the 4th Tuesday in months beginning in M"!
    I used to carry that...and the one time I went to actually file a claim, the insurance company tried to claim that the volcano I jumped into was actually an extinct one that just happened to become active after I jumped into it...so they said I wasn't covered and denied my claim! UGH!!!!!
    You know it. There you are walking and minding your own business....and BAM, you trip and fall into a damn volcano....and nothing you try will ever wash that lava out of your clothes...believe that! If I had a dollar for everytime that's happened to me!
    Eh...I'd like to. But don't have $200 just laying around. If I did, probably wouldn't spend on an axe. I'm sure guitar is hella fun to play. Once you get it down. I just don't have the patients to learn.
    no. You'll laugh but I did get the pro guitar thing for rockband 3. Much more fun than lessons would be, but still the chords fuck me up. So I was working on bass till my tv said "fuck you, no more video games"
    I may be on to something here...we'll see how this new thread goes! It's a vessel for me to flame people...but not to the point of banishment :D
    I can only imagine they are....fortunately I wouldn't actually know. Ha ha ha! Now, the heat index has been around 110 all week...so, aside from my duties as Nikki Nova's #1 "fanboy" (kidding....BUT, sometimes you have to give the public what they expect...so I play it up from time to time nowadays...ha ha ha! I do love the Hell out of her though!), I'm basically trying to take it easy and stay cool this week. Heck, it's basically unhealthy to be outside for any length of time right now....which "kinda" sucks!
    Maybe I should start working on ban #3? Say shit that should get me banned and might. The Obama threads would work great for that!
    so hard to get peoples attention these days around here. Really dunno why I bother anymore. Gotta post some borderline racial shit and that hardly gets a rise...no fun to stir the pot when no one is paying attention :(
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