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  • I'm all better thanx for asking;) Nope, never really did celebrate my bday.. I just wanted sushi+th go to The Lorax.. but my friends had to work, then they had no money. I spent an entire week preparing for this shoot I did today for Twistys/Tammy Sands, worked 14 hours.. now I'm going to bed. Gna paint my apartment tmrw on my day off, then 5 more days of work.. oh well LOL! I did however get some gifts from my fans so I'm really grateful/happy about that:)
    Wow. Awful lot of money to pay to do nothing... Why Winnipeg still has floor seats I'll never understnad. Edmonton sold out in a day.
    Brother... asshat, we don't want you in our country. Take your AIDs somewhere else.

    ...But if you HAVE TO come here, I would personally recommend Montreal, since it is the finest city in Canada and the Bell Centre is amazing for concerts. If not there, Vancouver. Vancouver is always great. Whatever you do, don't go to Winnipeg, because it is a complete shithole and you'll be feeling dirty for months once you leave. Coincidentally, I will be going to the concert in Winnipeg.
    Nah nothing serious, just a really bad cold.. I can't stop sneezing and I just want to sleep lol! I'm really bummed because I missed a shoot with Girlfriends Films with a really hot girl and my bday over it tho:(
    ur avi makes me LOL because whenev someone asks me to describe my pussy I always say it's like a hamburger, big and plump and meaty.. hahaha
    Unfortunately not. I managed to bypass the really basic ASL classes luckily but that was it. Because deaf people are classed as handicapped you have to do alot of studying on things like deaf culture which all counts as part of the ASL course. They wouldn't let me skip those classes.

    Moved to St Louis mainly because it's where all my family live. I've done the whole Cali thing now & decided it was time to make other things priority in my life like family & school.
    I haven't started the interpreter part of the course yet. I've got to complete the ASL up to a certain grade before I can move onto that apparently. It's annoying caus I'm already pretty much fluent but am self taught so no certification. Used to have a few deaf friends when I was living in Cali & they got me into it, they helped me learn it as well.
    Glad you liked the Yellow Sub! :thumbsup:

    My oldest sister has the identical die cast toy pictured, it's manufactured by "Corgi" Toys UK... it of course dates back to the '60's. :cool:
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