Not much.Something going on with DVC,not sure what.But he has broken all friendships and turned off everything and left some comments I do not understand in the random statement thread.
Hi Claire! Get ready my next post will be a movie from 2005 but I'm not sure that it is the type of thing you would have seen.But one of the stars is voted sexiest man alive often so maybe that will help.
Hi ,I guess my Film/TV is too far back for you.Here's a clue I will give you 1st.The guy kneeling the star of the movie was killed while making a movie directed by John Landis in the 80's.He was filming a part with a helicopter involved and got hit by the blades.
Better not let my cat hear that lol.Sometime I should tell you the story that no one else beleives except my brother who was there about the cat we had as a kid who made a dog feint!
Hey buddy! No, I didn't think you would refuse me, just seemed like the thing to say to say thanks. :tongue: Yeah I'm a fixture around here alright, for better or worse... See ya later!