tunsty Sep 26, 2008 Hi F.O.M.M... Say, did the Feds ever catch up with you about that 'Grassy Knoll' thing?.. :glugglug::1orglaugh
Hi F.O.M.M... Say, did the Feds ever catch up with you about that 'Grassy Knoll' thing?.. :glugglug::1orglaugh
Legzman Sep 21, 2008 I always thought it was something to do with looking forward to friday...I just couldn't figure out the mi, now it all makes sense, lol. And yea friday is pretty damn sexy.
I always thought it was something to do with looking forward to friday...I just couldn't figure out the mi, now it all makes sense, lol. And yea friday is pretty damn sexy.
Legzman Sep 21, 2008 that would be like me taking the z outta the middle of my name leg man just wouldn't feel right.
Legzman Sep 21, 2008 yea adding the md. Why didn't you put that in originally? I always thought friday on my mi was kinda strange.
yea adding the md. Why didn't you put that in originally? I always thought friday on my mi was kinda strange.