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  • I think most women like that kind of language during sex, once you've got to know each other well enough to know that you don't really think of her like that outside of sex, or that she thinks of herself as that, as some women are proud to be sluts, but it's that they enjoy sex like we do and not that they're necessarily fucking every guy they bump into. I think they're called "ethical sluts," because they have higher standards than most people think of a slut having for a sexual partner and won't cheat on whoever they're with.

    You're welcome, and it's good to know that we both understand that while we do enjoy writing back and forth, real life still has to come first and that it may take some time to respond.
    The only way I'd call her that during sex is if we'd been together a few times and had worked my way up to that kind of stuff, or if she had told me to say that.

    I know, but I just thought I'd throw that in there since I was writing you anyway and it had been a busier than expected week. And you've shot me a few messages that you were still trying to get back to me, but life was interfering.
    Hey, I was just copying the title as she had it, so that's Mandy calling herself/the character that. I wouldn't call her that either. Not only because I don't wanna get smacked silly, but also it doesn't really fit her.

    But thanks for the rep, and this week hasn't been any better than last week, so I still haven't got a chance to do anything with what you wrote me yet. Hopefully it won't be too much longer, though :)
    I just saw some recent pics of Kim in Miami. Holy crap! She never ceases to amaze me. There are a couple Latin girls who might compete with her, but that's it. Her beauty is incredible. Definitely one of the hottest celebrities in history. Her body is just amazing, and she has a nice face too. She's like the total package. Here's hoping she does some nude shots soon. I've never been disappointed seeing her naked.
    Just letting you know I got your response, but with the way things have been lately, it'll probably be next week before I can even read it.
    Yeah, Mandy does have a great laugh. Part of it for me was that since she was talking, and it wasn't like she was in some sexy outfit, that I was mainly watching her face, but the camera kept wandering off. Now if she had been in like a bikini or lingerie or something like that, I could understand running the camera up and down her body a bit more.

    Yeah, I like Kaylee too, though I don't think to the degree you seem to :) And you're probably right, she might could have done something like what Mandy does, but she might not have felt it was right for her.
    There have been some, but they have been slow coming. Most of them seem to be her posing in things she's trying to auction off.

    Well, if I had done it, I would have started with a whole shot of her, then slowly zoomed in for waist up shot for a while, then slowly zoom back out for another whole shot, kept her centered the whole time, and if I wanted a different angle, I would have a second camera low and to one side with some of the lighting and camera gear in the shot for a behind-the-scenes feel. And I wouldn't have aimed the camera at the cat until Mandy reached to pick it up.

    Good to know you did get it, and look forward to your response :)
    Wishing You & Yours A Happy Easter!!

    May The Easter Bunny Bring You Lots Of Cute Flowers, Gobs Of Chocolate, Lots & Lots Of Jelly Beans, And A Crock Of Pickled Eggs!!:lovebunny:
    Well, we don't know that she's not shooting them, as sometimes it takes a few years for sets to come out. She may just not have released many yet. But I do know of a few pics of her with blonde hair, some of which I have posted, and a few that I'm still giving Mandy the opportunity to post.

    Yeah, the interview was really good, I just wished her guy had shot it differently.
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