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  • I think mandatory service for high school grads is a great idea. How bout a 2 year commitment. People can go into the military or into the Peace Corps, or do city work like public park maintenance, street maintenance. Whatever they want to do and they give something back, early on, to the country. Look at that---some kind of compromise :glugglug:
    I think there are better threads to discuss politics. Bree is a HUGE star and I don't want to get banned or get us both banned. I think Conservatism has fiscal and social sides and I just see evangelics all over the social side and the GOP likes to wear the evangelical clothes from time to time. I think conservative-minded people are quick to label women and pornstars as "whores." I oppose that. In reading comments posted by others, I don't think I've given you or Philby neg rep before. I've given you both plenty of positive rep. Maybe not from the political threads. But aren't you, him and others interested in things other than politics?
    When I replied to the question, immigration was what I started to comment on, but then I realized I would have left an entire novel of a post so I shifted gears in the interest of brevity.
    Thx for the "Is CA a failed state" rep, bud. Feels ironic, as a Californian, to thank someone for repping my view on why CA is a failed state LOL.
    Hellraisin and Facial-Queen give me neg rep whenever they can, time passing between the reps is the only condition. Maybe it is the only way they can respond to me...I wish I could neg rep them as a movement...:) Thanks for the rep...
    Thanks for the rep, I can't stand Lil Wayne he sounds like a dog with peanut butter stuck to the roof of his mouth
    Just when I think it's reached the limit...new, crazy BIGGER developments occur!

    Let's just enjoy the ride :glugglug:
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