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  • That's awesome. Glad we both love tennis and soccer/football. Despite any differences we might have, hope we can be cool as hell through all of the bullshit that some times pop up on the forum. Plus I love your tennis thread. :)
    Yeah, the temp dropped about 5° but humidity rose 10%. So it actually feels hotter sometimes. Doesn't look like its gonna let up anytime soon either.
    That's a very good point you make Facial King in the message on 2010-07-11.:hatsoff: In my opinion racial, religious and personal :bs: is a growing problem here at FreeOnes. I think it's one of the reasons many members have stopped posting. It's not nice to read. :2 cents:

    Bloodshot Scott here are a few quotes for you to think about:

    Hate is a prison. Anger is the warden and rage, rage is the guard that
    takes a piece of you every day - I'm not sure where this comes from but it makes good sense to me.

    Don't hate, it's too big a burden to bear. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an
    idiot and anyone going faster than you is a maniac? - George Carlin

    America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our
    freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. - Abraham Lincoln

    Good luck B Scott. :wave2:
    I'd love to see it. Divide and conquer. But I have a strong hunch that Hillary wouldn't risk it unless BO's numbers fell to the high 30s. There's still plenty of time for that tho'...
    Here's why: "It's more common among minorities to try to intimidate good citizens."

    Just a dumb, racist assertion.

    Maybe you have agreed with me on a lot of posts, but stuff like that just gets me pissed off. It's beyond the pale. FreeOnes isn't some white boys club, ok??
    Don't remind me... I would kill for the Jays to be moved to another division. We've got two of the best hitters in the game right now in Bautista and Wells and we're in fucking fourth in the division.
    "Ouch. mrtrebus is on the prowl again already. Just sent me my 4th negative from him. :mad:"

    Wow! Didn't realise it affected you so much. . .
    "Ouch. mrtrebus is on the prowl again already. Just sent me my 4th negative from him. :mad:"

    Wow! Didn't realise it affected you so much. . .
    Hi Scott,

    First, I would like to congratulate you on being voted "Member of the Week" on Monday. I would also like to congratulate you on reaching the 4000 post milestone.

    That said, I would like to say "fuck the Minnesota Twins right in the arse. If they were the Minnesota Siamese Twins I would kill one of them just to watch the other die."

    Have a good night,

    Plasma :)

    PS: Go Jays.
    Yeah, if it just says banned then its only a week or two like you said. Hopefully he'll learn his lesson and quit harassing people.
    Dude are you fuckin serious? If anyone deserves it its him. Fuckstain neg repped me yesterday for something I said to someone else. I reported his ass. Wonder if that's why he got banned? I hope its for life.
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