Well I just got back from the Red Wings game we won for a change!

Detroit didn't score until the 3rd period, I was gettin anxious! then finally get one past miller! and I tell ya we didn't get their for puck drop to start the game cuz of the damn shuttles were runnin so slow on a nasty night in Michigan!
So we finally got to our seats about 6 and 1/2 minutes elapsed in the 1st and when I checked the shot total @ the end of the 1st it was 11 to 6 Detroit... no biggie huh,.. well after the game! and grateful that we got the win, the public address anouncer after naming the 3 stars of the game, he was broadcasting the games statistics and he said shots for Detroit 48, buffalo 22 I believe it was! I was 48 shots???
I have to say it didn't seem like they were peppering miller, but I guess they did!! he sure made some great saves!!
I had a great day, my sister (31yrs young) and niece who turned (8) on 12/24/08 enjoyed their 1st game, they both had a great time, my niece got a foam Redwings # 1 foam finger and she was dancing and what not! they also showed her name and birthday on the scoreboard, they gave her a birthday package! it was awesome, she got a redwings lunchbox, a nice size replica banner of the stanley cup banner hanging from the rafters! she got a doctors style redwings scrub shirt, she got an awesome plaque that I didn't get to look @ but it was heavy, it was real glass, and had a metal frame, not some throw away plastic junk trinket!! she got a replica stanley cup ring! and to top it all off she got too shake hands with GORDIE HOWE!! I was like I have been to 35 + games and haven't met any current or former players??? :scream:
and I got a new gun today! and I could have drove my new car home tonight but the weather was so treacherous and the car needs new tires!! so I chose to leave it @ my bro's house!! and now I am here winding down, I still wanna go get a drink and hangout, but nobody wanted to go???
how the hell did this post get so long??? anyway that was my day / night!