I'm just wondering if you can give me any examples of promises he's kept since he's been elected President?
Good night everyone :hatsoff:
I'm just wondering if you can give me any examples of promises he's kept since he's been elected President?
If the shareholders of Bank of America were comfortable paying Ken Lewis $60 million in retirement, I'm OK with that. If the shareholders of Merrill Lynch were comfortable with John Thain buying an $87,000 toilet for his $1.25 million renovated office, and earning $87 million the year before his firm lost $15 billion (with a "b"!!!) and had to be sold to another company (that itself hooked onto the public teat) before it went under... I'm also OK with that. If the shareholders of Lehman were comfortable paying Dick Fuld $45 million in the year that he destroyed a 160 year old firm, and reportedly made $500 million over the course of a troubled 14 year career, I'm OK with that too. What I'm not OK with is when these rat bastards kill or cripple their firms, and the taxpayers wind up being on the hook for it because of the size of the firms.
As long as the GOP blocks any attempts at financial reform, "too big to fail" remains the song of the day. And the only people who should be comfortable (happy?) with that scenario are upper level executives and major bondholders with the money center banks. If you're not in that group, then you're a chicken worrying that Colonel Sanders might be getting a raw deal. I seriously doubt that anyone here does frequent business with Goldman Sachs. I know I don't. I'm just sayin'. :dunno:
Good night everyone :hatsoff:
O'Bama's a clown!
FoxNews or whatever left wing news channel you'd like to insert here.
He's a fucking loser!
End of thread.
Well, if the premise is Obama feels you make/made enough money as implied by the OP, to what end do you believe his aim is in affecting that?
All presidents support taxation as a means of funding the nation's priorities, ALL OF THEM...since that is the only way the nation's priorities get paid for.
The notion that any reasonable, ethical person wants to simply transfer the money of one to another as implied to even things out is pretty silly and childish IMO.
If a bank is going broke due to bad decisions from their management, too bad, let them sink! But what do you do when those banks start going broke, not due to mismanagement, but due to being forced/coerced by the government into making loans they would otherwise not do? So the moral to the story is: you don't want banks to go broke and then have the government bail them out, don't force them into making bad loans. So, Obama, you want to give poor people mortgages, you start your own bank and do it, I mean, didn't you make $5 mil just last year? Oh, only one man can't do it? How about if you pass the hat around and have Biden, Pelosi, Reed, Soros, Oprah, Edwards, the Clintons, Kerry, Rezco, and have all those other "generous" people you know contribute?
But why did the GOP block attempts at "financial reform"? The bill did not include anything about reforming Freedie Mac and Fannie Mae, that's why. What guarantee is there that a later bill will do so? Not while the Democrats are in power.
....now are you saying he's Irish?![]()
My point is saying "our" President is a loser, a President who is not even half way in...doesn't change anything...fuck I've been saying that about Bush for 8 years. Please tell me (you and whoever else) what did Bush ever do good in 8 years?
some of the top 50 company ceos made less than him based on this data
Getting us out of Iraq?
Closing Gitmo?
Not raising taxes on the middle class?
Amy of this ring a bell?