Well the g'ment decides the nations priorities..then decides the way it believes is best to fund it...pure and simple.
Some people believe people who earn the most should realized the least amount of taxation because they believe the ultimate aim of these people is to 'create jobs' with their wealth or it's some natural byproduct.
Others believe those who earn the most wealth have less of a strain contributing to the cost to fund the nations priorities (as decided by the party in power) than those who live off of their pay checks.
Two opposing but reasonable perspectives.
But you're not one of those people who actually believes the priority of wealth or business is hiring people as opposed to realizing more profits are you???:cool:
You are correct. I do not believe the priority of business is, or should be, to create jobs. Businesses are not started with the goal of creating jobs. They are started with the goal of creating a profit for the person(s) who took a financial risk in starting the business. Jobs are nothing more than a natural byproduct of running a successful company.
These are my beliefs, and I could write an entire book elaborating on their merits. Please realize, however, that I believe business does have responsibilities to the community in which it operates. These responsibilities include operating in such ways as to not trample on the freedom or rights of others. This encompasses many things, which I don't have the time or space to go into here.
Another thing I would like to say is that I have owned and operated two businesses in my adult life. One of those companies required that I hire a few employees. When I hired them, I paid them well and always treated them with respect.
My other company was one that I ran on my own. In spite of doing it all by myself, I still made a good living at it. During these years, I never once felt an obligation to grow my business to the point where I had to hire employees and "create jobs". As I operated this business, I paid taxes, spent my profits in the community, and provided a valuable service to my customers. In my opinion, I had no more responsibility to the community than that.
While I do not believe that business has a responsibility to create jobs, I do believe they have a responsibility to treat their employees once they hire them.
I am a proud capitalist. I am not a capitalist pig.