youtube: Taylor Rain - shocking interview about Fans and Blacks

Taylor Rain

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
To set the record straight.... IT WAS A JOKE!!! I thought the questions were SO stupid I gave stupid answers! Anyone that knows me knows I love all my fans, I spend a lot of time emailing fans, signing pics and mailing them out on my own dime. And I have lots of love for 'black guys'. Some of my closest friends have been black. What I did on screen was a professional choice I made for my own reasons, wasnt anything personal. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm not racist! people love to take snippets of conversations or interviews and then turn it into something controversial.. whatever! Still love you all!

Member 1098

Closed Account
Taylor Rain - You're beautiful, sexy, hot and you're the best.

I'm a big fan of yours, a female fan, who happens to be a blackgirl. Yes, I'm black. I believe you, I'm a big supporter and love your work. I don't think you're a racist, I hope things will be better for you, sweetheart. You don't deserve anything cruel, or bad, getting negative comments towards you. I always be your fan, I'm the same race as your friends, who are black. I'm black, and didn't do anything, you not a racist. I always have been a fan of yours. I think you're amazing, talented, sexy, hot and love everything about you. I love your photos, style and looks. You're the best, Taylor :lovecoupl:angels::thumbsup:
Now can this damn thread die!????!
To set the record straight.... IT WAS A JOKE!!! I thought the questions were SO stupid I gave stupid answers! Anyone that knows me knows I love all my fans, I spend a lot of time emailing fans, signing pics and mailing them out on my own dime. And I have lots of love for 'black guys'. Some of my closest friends have been black. What I did on screen was a professional choice I made for my own reasons, wasnt anything personal. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm not racist! people love to take snippets of conversations or interviews and then turn it into something controversial.. whatever! Still love you all!

Don't waste a minute on it Taylor, some people make issues out of anything said that doesn't agree with their narrow, preconceived little worlds.

Come to the boards more often, we miss ya! :thumbsup:
To set the record straight.... IT WAS A JOKE!!! I thought the questions were SO stupid I gave stupid answers! Anyone that knows me knows I love all my fans, I spend a lot of time emailing fans, signing pics and mailing them out on my own dime. And I have lots of love for 'black guys'. Some of my closest friends have been black. What I did on screen was a professional choice I made for my own reasons, wasnt anything personal. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm not racist! people love to take snippets of conversations or interviews and then turn it into something controversial.. whatever! Still love you all!

T/R you've done so much GREAT porn and are definitely one of my favs. Glad to see you speak for yourself in this thread and set the record straight.


Postal Paranoiac
Ah, crapsticks. I never got to see the videos.:crash:
i am going to stake this thread in the heart and see if that kills it
Can I ask something simple?

If she likes blacks or not, if it was a joke or not, if anything or not....who really cares? She's a pornstar, not a morality lecturer or life coach. Remember that you're watching her because she's doing porn, not presenting a discourse on socio-racial roles in Western society. She doesn't tell you how to live and what to do, so why bitch about what she does. If you can't get past that, then just don't watch her. :dunno:
Don't care what she said, she's awesome. FAP


Hiliary 2020
I'm have contacted an exorcist and we are about to conduct an exorcism right here live on freeones to remove this demon from the board.
I will rid this board of this evilness even if it kills me.
I think he's ready, here we go.

Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae. Et in Iesum Christum, Filium eius unicum, Dominum nostrum, qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine, passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus, descendit ad infernos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis, ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis, inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos. Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam, sanctorum communionem, remissionem peccatorum, carnis resurrectionem, vitam aeternam. Amen.

Holy water, it burns!
The power of God compells you, The power of God compells you, The power of God compells you, The power of God compells you, The power of God compells you, The power of God compells you, The power of God compells you, The power of God compells you, Youre not my mother!, The power of God compells you, The power of God compells you, The power of God compells you, ................
Come into me, Come into me, AYYYYYYYYYY!


Actually she doesn't like blacks (check out her interview during Meatholes). She did have sex in private with one, but she says she won't do any on film or off because her dad didn't want her too. But I wouldn't care to much about her, she's old news anyway. I mean I love her, but like sports and modeling your only popular as long as you keep your abilities and/or looks. There are more girls younger and older coming out and looking great. They aren't shy about doing different guys or girls for that matter.