You're stranded on an island...

I'd give everybody head and therefore would be too valuable to eat.

if we were all stranded on an island, ill just say that only myself, STDiva, and the ocsm's will be rescued... i will literally kill all of the rest of you, for either food, to wear your skin for warmth like luke skywalker and the Tauntaun... or just because.

Well, StanScratch is full of shit, so not him. BlueBalls has AIDS, so not him. PirateKing knows how to get booty, so not him. Shifty has that genetic mutation that grew the third arm and fifth nipple, so I think I'll stay away from that...

I'll have to get back to you on this one...
I'd go by who has the tastiest looking that means it's going to have to be Gunslingingbird with his McPussy burger :drool2:
Eat? or eat out? :)