Your Worst Injury?

I fractured my right knee eleven years ago playing soccer which recuired arthroscopic surgery and eight weeks with crutches.
Fourteen years ago I sprained my left ankle after me and my friends where attacked by some drunk MF´s which recuired ten days on crutches.
The worst injury I received was a big gash on my foot. I moved in with a friend at the top of this apartment building and one night we had some other friends over for a party on the rooftop. The roof was this ragged little unfinished asfalt bridge linking the two sides of the building and it had nails and crap coming out of it. Like a dumb ass I go out there completely fucked up wearing flip flops. Next thing that happens is I stepped on a sharp peice of metal in the floor and slice my foot open.

Good thing was I couldn't feel pain cus my drunkeness acted as anesthesia. Bad thing was bloods flowing out of my sole like a river and I get a nice trip to the hospital. :tongue:
nothingandless said:
i forgot about that one. i didn't sever mine, but it was all messed up. i was super swollen down there and couldn't walk right for a long time. it was black and blue for a few months. that sucked.
i can only imagine how horrible it was to actually sever it. jeez. :hatsoff:
well, its 7 years later, and i still limp. i think that tendon doesnt heal right.
georges said:
broke my left wrist during a bike accident at 8 and opened myl eft knee during racebikeracing when I was 19. Opened my left thumb when I was cutting the bread.

So, I guess that means watching boobies and handling cutlery at the same time isn't a good idea. ;)
All these injuries happened to me whilst playing rugby, broken all of my toes, at least once, broken left ankle, and tore ligaments, ruptured ACL in right knee, broken left wrist, broken all of my fingers at least once, seperated AC joint on left shoulder, compressed cheek bone and broken eye socket on left side of face, dented skull, and worst of all broke 2 vertebra and burst a disc at the base of my spine which put an end to my pro career. Still play today, but at very amateur level!
iamforever said:
well, its 7 years later, and i still limp. i think that tendon doesnt heal right.

i feel for you buddy. i've had a limp as well for the past 11 years, but not due to my achilles. from my experience, nothing is ever 100% after you damage it to the poibt of tearing or breaking, even after surgery.
i broke my thumb in middle school and it works fine, but sometimes i lose my grip and drop stuff, which gets messy when eating.
I got hit by a car when i was 14 ,i ripped my knee cap off hyper extended my acl ,crashed into the windshield rolled up on to the roof and fell off the passenger side and hit my head on the corner of the sidewalk and the curb split it wide open i was on the handle bars of my friends bike he broke the right side of his body from his femur to his collar bone .We were both fucked up bad.

13 years later i had my acl lasered and new neopreyne cups instaled . I still snowboard like its going out of style and ride a yfz450.:nanner:


what the fuck you lookin at?
was playin little league baseball, I was catcher that day and was to close to the batter...he swung and clubed me in the side of the face with the bat...knocked my catchers mask off and knocked me the fuck out! Somehow I didn't get any serious injury other than a black eye
The only semi-serious injury I got is when I jumped off a second floor high part of a barn when I was four years old and got a broken bone. That was the only broken bone I ever had. No injury has ever been that serious for me. I once was sleeping on the floor and jerked my head and rammed the bridge of my nose into a corner of a table leg. Hurt a lot, but that didn't end up being that bad either. The only other time I thought I might be hurt badly is about 8 or 9 years ago when I was working out and almost through out my back, had trouble walking for about a week then it went away. That taught me a good lesson though. Usually I take pride in my ability to be careful and skillful enough to avoid injury.
ThenewAmerica said:
I got hit by a car when i was 14 ,i ripped my knee cap off hyper extended my acl ,crashed into the windshield rolled up on to the roof and fell off the passenger side and hit my head on the corner of the sidewalk and the curb split it wide open i was on the handle bars of my friends bike he broke the right side of his body from his femur to his collar bone .We were both fucked up bad.

13 years later i had my acl lasered and new neopreyne cups instaled . I still snowboard like its going out of style and ride a yfz450.:nanner:

seriously, i had the exact same thing happen to me at the age of 14. my buddy didn't get hurt though. and my kneecap stayed. thats how i broke my leg (two titanium rods in it now with the fibula still busted top and bottom) and all the beautiful scars on my face. i got out of the hospital a day before my birthday.
the human body is resiliant though, isn't it?
I bruised my spine doing the high jump in gym. Went to jump the heigth, made it but because of the angle I jumped at I missed the crach mat at the side due to teacher not putting enough of them down. They origianlly thought I had broken my back. So sore at the time but think it is funny as hell these days. Worst part was having to get stretchered out of the school and taken away in an ambulance(so embarassing).
When I was around 10 I flew over the handlebars of my bike and landed on my chin splitting it open, somehow I didn't break it open. I was about 2 blocks from home and walked back holding my chin where my parents rushed me to the hospital. My mom said it looked like I had two mouths.
peice of a metal building stuck in my head from a scud missile in the first iraq war. Luckily it basically got stopped my thick skull just barely went into the bone. Unfourtunately I have a nice scar on my forehead that looks like one of those Frankenstien scar's.
When I was 7 or 8 months old, I wouldn't lie still when my diapers were changed. So what did I do ? I rolled over and fell from the table, breaking the section right below my left-knee.

Yup, 3 months and I already scored a near kamikaze-dive.
Damn Sam, I guess I'm just a few rounds short of a full-clip.