I'm not sure if other people have noticed this and I wasn't sure what to call this topic but I've noticed a trend recently were porn sites will just straight up post bad quality pictures. I'm no expert photographer and I get it, having pussy close up in your face will distract any professional causing them to take a bad shot every now and then but why even post that image? It just makes the site look bad. Here's an example.
I've seen some sites where every picture was blurry and had bad lighting but I'm pretty sure it was done on purpose to make it look amateurish. I know nit picky things like bad picture quality is the last thing on people's mind when looking at porn but I'm curious to hear anyone's thoughts on this and what's causing it.
I've seen some sites where every picture was blurry and had bad lighting but I'm pretty sure it was done on purpose to make it look amateurish. I know nit picky things like bad picture quality is the last thing on people's mind when looking at porn but I'm curious to hear anyone's thoughts on this and what's causing it.