Your own porn site


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I never thought about owning my own porn site I'm too busy in my life to even start one.
Me and my mates came up with some names for porn sites we could do, but thats it.

If my life plans go tits-up, I might open up a site lol
Me and my mates came up with some names for porn sites we could do, but thats it.

If my life plans go tits-up, I might open up a site lol

That's the fun question is what would it be like to start one and would you star in the videos you shot. That's a question that's always interested me as far as porn is concerned on the net.
after seeing how much the major sites make its definatelly worth concidering! Just have to find a suitable niche and a few grand start up! Lot easier said than done. And how the hell would you go about finding what laws you've got to comply too?!
yes, when I was a teenager. my friend and I decided to create a porn-site. I was to find the name for it, to do web-design and (the most thrilling part ;) ) to find some content at the net - our *amazing* teenager idea was to take pictures from other sites, and post it to our site.
My friend was about to find adult hosting, publish the site in the internet, and organize the whole shit with banners, registration etc... I did not know how it all works in terms of earning money, banners, sponsors etc, but he told me that he knew all the details and we only needed to create a site. Well, I believed in that. It was my mistake! ;) Cuz as soon as I had done the template of our future site, and it was already working good at our hard disks it revealed that my friend did not had an idea of how and where it should be hosted, and the more so, he had no idea of how we can earn money with that site. So, it ended up just stupid: we had our small site on our hard disks with content from free galleries of other sites, and in fact it was absolutely useless waste of time, not to mention good feelings while jerking, I mean while creating that site... cuz I was selecting pictures very carefully and was creating each thumbnail with real passion :rubbel: now looking back to the whole stuff - it was as stupid and funny as it just could be! unsuccessful little porno kings... :lame:
My girl friend and I want to start our own site. Doing mainly FFM, wich I am all for.
Come to think of it, with the amount of content I have, I probably could start my own site. But I could never figure my way through the maze of legalities and copyright laws. Plus alot of the stuff that jamrak mentioned I have no clue really how to do.;)