A long time ago a Bi (but predominantly homosexual) friend ended up shagging a woman I had been carefully developing for a couple of weeks. He steamed in while I was pussyfooting around. I therefore developed a loathing for Bi men that lasted fully 15 minutes.
At the time he was a snake-hipped looker. I recently tracked him down via linkedin and it turns out that he's a waxy-faced fat lawyer while I'm hardly any more repulsive than I was at 20.
So in short:
- Bi women - very hot
- Bi men - flange-stealing bastards
At the time he was a snake-hipped looker. I recently tracked him down via linkedin and it turns out that he's a waxy-faced fat lawyer while I'm hardly any more repulsive than I was at 20.
So in short:
- Bi women - very hot
- Bi men - flange-stealing bastards