Your Most OVER-RATED Artist or Band?

Oh yeah! Forgot about these guys.

The Beatles ;)

You know, for all the talk about the Beatles being overrated, I think some people need to go have a look at some history. For being overrated, they sure were ripped off A LOT by other bands. There are a lot of bands that have cited them as a huge influence, and even guys like Jimi Hendrix were fans.

Overrated? Meh, I'm not so sure about that. Crammed down everyone's throat for decades? Yeah, just a lot.

It's the same thing with film- every time you get one of those asinine lists of "The best films of all time", you see the same stuff up near or in the top five- "Citizen Kane", "Metropolis", blah blah blah.

But the reason is... they're really well done films.

When you look at the absolute mania, the hysteria that the Beatles caused, clearly a lot of people took an interest in them and their music. Did it get worse near the end? Yep, at least I think so. But the world ate out of their hands for several years. That's not overrated.

Coldplay- a band which neither I nor any of my friends can name a single song title from, despite hearing that they own the music world. Now that's overrated.

:2 cents:



Maybe you feel this way because Springsteen is a bluecollar, working class Democrat :thefinger;)
Now wait a minute, I like Tom Petty, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, Crosby-Stills-Nash & . . .but Young is kinda a belligerrent dope. :D Actually, "The Boss" kinda just bores me & always has. I have nothing personal against the man, as I don't know an awful lot about him. As for blue collar and working class THAT'S ME ! & I'm proud to say so. Hard work pays off when you're self employed and have good work ethic. ;)

I'm having a difficult time connecting your *free pass* for Ozzie at the end of the post I'm responding to with your general rant about music in a later post in this thread? Why cut Ozzie slack? Isn't he just a "production" even though he admits it
Like him or not, Ozzy is an icon, an original, a self admitted drugee + alcoholic, a clown, an entertainer, a father (sorta) :rofl2:, a husband and is, for all intents and purposes, retired. Oz won't be forgotten like the plethora of cookie cutter, so called "talent" that's out there today.

To each their own but I have always liked his wailing vocals.

I like The Strokes! What the hell happened to them anyway.
You mean "Billy Squire" ? :p


When you look at the absolute mania, the hysteria that the Beatles caused . . . .]
Far too many violators to list, so...

Currently: Coldplay, Fallout Boy & Nickelback. Hype still goes a long ways.

Past: REM, Eric Clapton & The Eagles
The Jonas Brothers

Yes, no one past the age of 18 has heard their music, I myself included, but their adoring tween armies are eating it up and forcing people who don't want to notice this lame-ass shit to give in and take notice. These dudes are swimming in jail bait and will have to wait ten years for the reunion tour in trying to fuck any of them. Rock on brothers!!
Little Fucking Wayne....

What has happened to hip hop today?
If your into hip hop check out my blog on why i think it is crap nowadays:

The white man slowly got hold of it over the years and now with their grip firm, it's just a steady diet of average acts and the same fucking slo-motion chick dancing, money tossing, and champagne drinking videos, one after the other.

It's laughable now, and that's coming from one who still cherishes his box of rap tapes from the '88 - 92 era when selling out was hip hop treason, unlike the complete reversal to sell, sell, sell of today's acts. The white man came and fucked it all up again, can't leave a good thing be.
Its not just the white man. Black record label owners have done the same thing. There just a bunch of greedy jerks who want to suck the money out of young teenage kids and leaving them fucked up by this shitty music. Sometimes i wish 2pac and Biggie were still alive. Luckily Nas and Jay-z still are.
Its not just the white man. Black record label owners have done the same thing. There just a bunch of greedy jerks who want to suck the money out of young teenage kids and leaving them fucked up by this shitty music. Sometimes i wish 2pac and Biggie were still alive. Luckily Nas and Jay-z still are.

Yep, you're right man. It's fucked up on all fronts. The "white men" I call out are the big record labels who wouldn't touch this s*it back when I was listening and who have now helped to destroy hip hop's roots and turn it into a formulated, profitable genre that sparkles in gangsta/ thug fashion before the eyes of the youth who are still eating it up year after year.

I love The Roots though!
the fugees. all they do are covers
The Beatles.

Formulaic, poptastic crap.
The "world ate outta Britney's hands" for a few years - as did they outta the Spice Girls etc. etc.
Doesn't make 'em "great".

Yes, they were part of a new wave/sound in music - but once they were in, they fucking stayed the same.
Unlike Led Zeppelin or or Pink Floyd.

Nirvana - crappy music, ridiculous lyrics, talentless guitarist.
Prefered Pearl Jam or even Alice in Chains over Nirvana anyday of the week...

Not that it matters - it's all subjective anyway. :)


PS: Don't even bother trying. I know an old Army buddy who has been trying to convince me otherwise for well over 30+ years now. Ain't gonna happen.
Little Fucking Wayne....

What has happened to hip hop today?

There's plenty of GOOD hip-hop, when you don't listen to what the radio and mainstream call hip-hop. Just look around... :dunno:

I'm gonna add ICP and any other "clown" related whatever-the-fuck-they-are "artist" to this thread. So, WHAT is good about that crap?