Your most nostalgic songs

Weird one: "Higher Love" by Stevie Winwood.

Summer of '86. Just got my license. Rolling around in the backseat with the girl I loved.

From that same summer: "Human" - Human League, "Someday" - Glass Tiger, "Take My Breath Away" - Berlin, "We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off" - Jermaine Stewart, "Kiss" - Prince, "Glory of Love" - Peter Cetera, "Sledgehammer" - Peter Gabriel
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Hiliary 2020
Way down upon the swany river
In the good ol summer time
Camptown races (doo dah doo dah)
Oh susannah
I used to love her but i had to kill her (good times)

Actually pretty much every popular song (rockish/popish) from around 1973-2000 has a memory for me.
Good times/Bad times you know I've had my share.
Tears for Fears - Everybody wants to rule the world

When ever I hear this song it takes me right back to the 80's.... and also the ending of the movie the movie Real

That song always brings back good memories.

I always wonder... is it because I was a kid growing up in the 80's that make's that decade seem like it was so much fun or was it because the 80's was just a special time in america.

Movies: Gremils, The Goonies, The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Lost Boys, The Terminator...ect.

Tv: The Cosby show, Cheers, Married with Children...ect.

Music: Micheal Jackson, Phil Collins, Hall and Oats, Prince, Madonna, Run Dmc...ect.

Cartoons: Transformers, Thunder Cats, He-Man, G.I. Joe...ect.

So much classic shit came out in 80's. Alot of chessy shit came out of the 80's too, but I'll take alot of the cheesy 80's shit over some of today's crap.

Maybe that's why Hollywood is trying to remake and recycle so much shit from the 80's.

Maybe it's just because I was a
The Living End's self titled debut album. First proper album I bought.

Meccamputechture from the Mars Volta. Listened to that heaps whislt I went travelling.

Johnny Appleseed, from Joe Strummer and the Mescelaros. Also another travelling one.

The Hollow, A Perfect Circle. Listened to that song heaps whilst walking to my old job. The same can also be said for It Was There That I Saw You and Another Morning Stoner by You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead.

This Could Be Anywhere In The World by Alexisonfire. Reminds me of my time in Canada.

I have other songs I like, however they are the ones that conjure up immediate memories
immediately. I have other songs that get into my top ten yet arent on this list, which I guess makes it funny how the songs stick with me yet others dont.


Prince of the Rotten Milk
More Than A Feeling, by Boston