My first paid job was when I was about 8 or 9. My parents paid me for helping out at my dad's company. My job included taking stuff from one office to another, putting invoices in numerical order, answering phones, matching invoices and receipts, and other such shit that an 8-year-old can do.
I used to have the best job ever and I don't know why I ever quit. My first job was working for some dude who rented out binoculars at concerts. I would show up 2 hours before the concert started, clean all of the binoculars and then walk around with a sign that said "RENT BINOCULARS: SECTION 123" until the concert started. Then, I would get to watch the concert for free and I got backstage access. Best...job...ever.
Oh, I should mention that for my 3 or so hours of work, I got paid 100 bucks. HAHA!!! Why'd I quit?!?!?!
Oh, you were one of
those cretins.
Yeah, when I was one of them (part-time, seasonal) I used to think it was the best job ever, but then I realized that I was full of shit when I started stagehanding. Now I get paid really well (not the measly $100 bucks a night that I used to get), I get benefits, I work year round,
and I still have backstage access. In fact, I get
onstage access.
Yeah, I remember being one of those cretins. At the amphitheatre where I started I worked in just about every department imaginable: parking, security, cashier, operations, receptionist, runner, event coordinator's assistant, stagehand, main office bitch...