Your first job?

What was your first job. the job you had in high school?


Leah's Biggest Fan!
I worked for a neighborhood popcorn store from 14 to 16 years old. I would just clean up after school for a couple hours and got paid cash. This place was like the Baskin Robbins of popcorn. They had like 30 different flavors. I ate so much popcorn for the 2 years I worked there, the smell of popcorn now makes me want to barf:throwup:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Working at a Harvey's. Food was good for awhile, then it just went downhill. Once I had everything on the menu I quit.
Washing dishes which was about on par with my first job out of college, cleaning out horse stable. Hey, a guys gotta eat!

Probably a better smell than the frozen pizzas that start to defrost when left out that we used to sell to the customers. Even if I smell that today I want to throw up.

Horse manure I can take, defrosted frozen pizzas :throwup:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I used to have the best job ever and I don't know why I ever quit. My first job was working for some dude who rented out binoculars at concerts. I would show up 2 hours before the concert started, clean all of the binoculars and then walk around with a sign that said "RENT BINOCULARS: SECTION 123" until the concert started. Then, I would get to watch the concert for free and I got backstage access. Best...job...ever.

Oh, I should mention that for my 3 or so hours of work, I got paid 100 bucks. HAHA!!! Why'd I quit?!?!?!


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Working at a local Tastee Freeze ice cream stand when I was 15-17 in the summers.
I didn't have a job until I was 18.

I used to have the best job ever and I don't know why I ever quit. My first job was working for some dude who rented out binoculars at concerts. I would show up 2 hours before the concert started, clean all of the binoculars and then walk around with a sign that said "RENT BINOCULARS: SECTION 123" until the concert started. Then, I would get to watch the concert for free and I got backstage access. Best...job...ever.

Oh, I should mention that for my 3 or so hours of work, I got paid 100 bucks. HAHA!!! Why'd I quit?!?!?!

Damn, Chef...I should beat you for quitting. :wtf:
I was a bus boy @ Fuddruckers Hamburgers. 16 yrs old. That fucking job sucked ass.


Hiliary 2020
I worked as an assistant plumber with my dad in order to buy baseball equipment when I was eight.
My first real job was as a dishwasher in a seaside resturaunt in the mid 80's. only nights.
Work from 4-10, then party all night with the waitresses and waiters and whoever else was living the carefree, summer vacation life.
Yep, I learned more about life in those few years than I did in 18 years of academic study............whew.
I've always done technical work ...

I grew up in a family business, engineering.
So I worked as a technician in middle school, and then high school.

I only once had a job as a waiter when 18, just to do something different.
Otherwise, I always worked in an office or field technician.

Prior to being a waiter, I worked for my dad.
After becoming a waiter, I found my own technical positions.

While in college, prior to graduation with my engineering degree, of course.
I then took a couple of engineering positions after college for about a half-dozen years.

Although I really do more technology today, and so little engineering.
The days of doing engineering work are largely gone for myself.