Your favorite movie scenes




For the EMPEROR!!
General "Buck" Turgidson in "DR Strangelove.

George C Scott was brilliant in this movie.


For the EMPEROR!!
I always liked this scene.

'Me, me, me!'
'Me too/two.'
^ What a coincidence. I was going to post the entire fight.

And of course, let's not forget one from my most favorite films of all time, Blade Runner:

... and these lines were improvised! ... What a talent.
Jurassic Park: T-Rex escaping from his cage
The Terminator: Terminator's first arrival
Marvel's Avengers: Dr. Banner transforming into Hulk the first time and fighting against Thor
Marvel movies: all after-credit scenes
Thanks to another poster for reminding me of the greatness of this movie:

Bubba Ho-Tep


^ I've used that line in the bedroom.

Bruce Campbell ftw.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.