Your favorite movie of 2004

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or the best film you saw this year.

For me, City Of God is easily the finest film I've seen this year...hell, the finest I've seen in a long, long time.

Proof that big name actors mean shit all to good movie making.

Everyone should watch this!


Get out of the Hollywood trap and discover what the world can do for your movie watching enjoyment.
Sorry man, City of God is from 2002
saw that one in 2003 myself.

I still didn't see The life aquatic but that one might have chances to go up there.
So far I didn't see too many good movies from 2004. Before sunset was the best one IMO.
Technicality....(as I wrote, or the best movie you saw this year)

It took until 2004 for it to be available on DVD here. It was a long, anxious wait.
Ol-Skool-Perv said:
Technicality....(as I wrote, or the best movie you saw this year)

It took until 2004 for it to be available on DVD here. It was a long, anxious wait.
Ok, then it's a very good choice. I'll change mine to "Seven days in may" then.
Resident Evil:Apocalypse but then again....I'm a huge Milla Jovovich fan, lol.
Ol-Skool-Perv said:
or the best film you saw this year.

For me, City Of God is easily the finest film I've seen this year...hell, the finest I've seen in a long, long time.

Proof that big name actors mean shit all to good movie making.

Everyone should watch this!


Get out of the Hollywood trap and discover what the world can do for your movie watching enjoyment.

The remark about "big name actors" is so true. I've noticed that, whenever someone mentions the title a movie I've never heard of my first question is, invariably, "So what's it about?" However, whenever I'm introducing a movie to someone the first question is almost always, "So who's in it?" When the person hears me say there are no big stars in it, I get this disapproving look, and I actually feel compelled to defend the film, as if not having a big star somehow makes the movie flawed. It's amazing just how many people lose interest once they find out the movie doesn't star Tom Cruise or Julia Roberts.

BTW, I've not seen City of God. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll be looking for it.


I also thought that The Life Aquatic with Steve Zizzou was the best film of 2004. Wes Anderson is a true genious and the worlds that he comes up with are imaginative and amazing. Everybody should go and see that movie.
i don't have a FAVOURITE :p movie as i only watch about 3 a year at the cinema but always forgets which ones i saw at the movies!!
My big time favorite movie of 2004 was "Kill Bill" I missed it when it was out on the movies, rented it, ended up watching it twice in a row, and just bought it on DVD, loved the music, so damn stylish, all the references to 70's Hong Kong movies reminded me when I was a kid, and that Gogo girl is so bad, she needs me to spank her :nannerf1:
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