Your favorite horror game(s)?

Silent Hill I enjoy for the macabre, nightmarish environments. Storyline is just as great.

Fatal Frame II makes me nervous and frightened; :eek: following :helpme:. I can only play this game at night with no lights on, any other way I feel takes away from it.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
It's not my favorite but Dead Space is pretty tense and dark. Sadly nowhere near as atmospheric, consuming and easily disturbing as a Silent Hill game.

Resident Evil failed me long ago.. I loved 1, 2, nemesis and code veronica. Good stuff. But four.. 'the gun(lightgun game that had no lightgun support due to columbine), the online games for the PS2 and the gamecube remake and code zer0 were all pretty shit.

Here's hoping that res evil 5 goes back to its roots and tries to be survival horror instead of action movie-meets-crazy cussing spanish villagers conspiracy nonsense. AKA 4!
F.E.A.R. (PC), was a game I really enjoyed and kept up a tense atmosphere between Alma's story and the intense game play.

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (XBOX), is another favorite. The game is more of a throw back to horror movies or the 60s-70s. Slow paced, atmospheric and built up the horror.

Fatal Frame (PS2) grabbed a hold of me from the first level and didn't let go. Great game series with a unique twist.

Penumbra (PC) is also a great spooky series of games. More adventure then action but, just as atmospheric and spooky as any other survival horror game.

System Shock 2, Eternal Darkness, Doom III are other horror games I liked.


knows petras secret: she farted.
i cant play these games. they creep me out. i couldnt get through the parasite eve games even.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Always wanted to play F.E.A.R. but the reviews said the action was too spaced out.. and spoiled by the fact that the game had a 1-2 second loading pause before any action, thus giving away the scare.

So I said to myself... wait a year or two and then they'll fix that or computers will just be fast enough not to hiccup on loading. But, eh.. never did get around to playing it. I know there's a FEAR for PS3. Suppose I'll pick it up when my damned job gives us our hours back. Or they let me go so I can get some decent unemployment bank.
Ah, Torre82min, have no fear about reviews. This game is worth the price it is at now! I bought it back in September for about 12 dollars at GameStop. You can most likely get it cheaper at Amazon. It is a great game.

There are tense moments, shoot outs, and decent scenes of gore and other odds and ends. Personally, the only thing that made me freak out was the invisible enemy that jumps, crawls, and hard to take down unless you go in slo-mo.

Some fine points in the gore/violence part of the game: Slo-mo and shotgun + upclose to the enemy = gratuitous dismemberment! HV Penetrator (Basically nail gun) + guard jumping down from a ledge + right time shooting = disturbing wall decor

It's a good game, my friend. Do not be afraid based off what you read about spaced out action. You can't constantly be swarmed by the amount of enemy, especially given the AI tactics they use in battle, in this game. It's good to go for buying at the cheap price it is at now!
I think fear is vastly overrated IMO but its still a fun game and I well buy part 2 I like every horror game mentioned so far but one game that really surprised me was siren: blood curse I got it on the psn not knowing anything about it and just looking for something to pass the time and it absolutely freaked me at a some parts the only other game I can think of that actually scared me is the first silent hill and I played it when I was little and siren reverted me back to a child state of mind for a few moments if you're a fan of horror games get siren: blood curse its really fun just don't go into it expecting something absolutely glorious just like every game it has flaws some people might find it stupid some people might love like me its definitely not the best horror game but its definitely worth looking into
Resident Evil 2 has to be my favorite, it used to scare the crap out of me when I was a kid.

I don't see what was so scary about FEAR, I guess the whole creepy little dead girl thing is kind of worn out for me.
Resident Evil 2 has to be my favorite, it used to scare the crap out of me when I was a kid.

I don't see what was so scary about FEAR, I guess the whole creepy little dead girl thing is kind of worn out for me.

exactly how I feel about fear to me its way to overrated
I don't see what was so scary about FEAR, I guess the whole creepy little dead girl thing is kind of worn out for me.

Yeah okay...the dead girl thing is a bit old now but the game still gave me goosebumps and had me jumping when stuff popped out.
FEAR exactly wasn't horror quality. But it still had moments when invisible enemies catch you off guard and you are shooting frantically trying to take it down. For me it is invisible enemies that you can hear that gets me at the edge of my seat rady to blast anything that moves.

Resident Evil 4 comes to mind when you are in the sewer or jail/sewer? Well those invisible insects. They can be heard from somewhere in the room, and usually up on the ceiling and all that. And the first time I went through the maze and you hear the dog growls. You know it is going to happen but just don't know when. Second time through wasn't as bad considering I had a high powered shotgun and one shot usually kills lesser enemies! ^_^
FEAR exactly wasn't horror quality. But it still had moments when invisible enemies catch you off guard and you are shooting frantically trying to take it down. For me it is invisible enemies that you can hear that gets me at the edge of my seat rady to blast anything that moves.

I think it depends on your style of game play to. I dd a lot of hide and seek when playing F.E.A.R.

Besides, ALMA is one creepy little girl. A few of her appearances caught me off guard while playing.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I really enjoy the F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin(demo), but the old Resident Evil game cannot be beaten, at least in my eyes, and of course Silent Hill.
resident evil
silent hill
left 4 dead.....
just a few of em....


Closed Account
I crapped myself in Resident Evil 2 when licker ;) came crashing through the two way glass, but my favourite horror game is Condemned on the Xbox. A really creepy game that actually made me look slowly around corners and that.