Ah, Torre82min, have no fear about reviews. This game is worth the price it is at now! I bought it back in September for about 12 dollars at GameStop. You can most likely get it cheaper at Amazon. It is a great game.
There are tense moments, shoot outs, and decent scenes of gore and other odds and ends. Personally, the only thing that made me freak out was the invisible enemy that jumps, crawls, and hard to take down unless you go in slo-mo.
Some fine points in the gore/violence part of the game: Slo-mo and shotgun + upclose to the enemy = gratuitous dismemberment! HV Penetrator (Basically nail gun) + guard jumping down from a ledge + right time shooting = disturbing wall decor
It's a good game, my friend. Do not be afraid based off what you read about spaced out action. You can't constantly be swarmed by the amount of enemy, especially given the AI tactics they use in battle, in this game. It's good to go for buying at the cheap price it is at now!