Your Favorite Curse!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
This thread is hilarious. Half of you think curse as in profanity, whilst the other half are thinking of curses such as black cats under ladders, etc. :)

My favorite "curse" is, well, I don't like cursing.

Favorite curse? The curse of NFL's Vikings franchise.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Anything that doesn't involve some form of blood ritual.
:bs: Don't tell me that you believe in that whole using only elevated speech to show your intelligence crap.
Actually, yes, yes indeed. I almost posted some drivel about that but I edited the post. It doesn't show a lack of intelligence as much as it shows a lack of respect, more than anything. But I freely use words on here I wouldn't otherwise in public settings. The beauty of anonymity of the 'Net. :thumbsup:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
If somebody really gets on my tits I turn to them and I say:
"May you be forced to read Sam Fisher's posts."
I'm not a cursor...

I do find it interesting what people curse by, though. For example, the French curse with the church (Tabernac, Sacrebleu, and the like), Germans curse with poop, and Americans curse with sex. I've heard many times that people curse with that which they fear, or is deemed inappropriate.

This is, I think, part of the genius of Will Ferrel in his movies. He makes his cursing absolutely ridiculous. "By the beard of Zeus," and "Great Odin's Raven!" are examples. Most people think he's being stupid, I think he's making a pretty good statement.

I like to improvise cursing. For example, every time I see a post by Andronicus, I think, "Jebus with a chainsaw, removing Petra's leg." The more ridiculous, the more purpose the curse serves. Make it stupid funny, you'll feel better, and those within earshot will, too.