I never understood the need for tips on OnlyFans. These porn stars are not waitresses that get paid minimum wage that rely on tips to pay rent. These people are extremely wealthy and make WAYYYY more than I'll ever make. Yet they are so hungry for tips DESPITE you paying a hefty subscription fee. What's up with that?
While overall I don't like Onlyfans, and I think it's very irritating when people put material under a paywall even for somebody that's already subscribed to them, it's also not as simple as you think. I think you vastly overestimate what performers in the industry make. I think you use the term "extremely wealthy" very loosely. Even many well known performers don't bring in what some people think they do. Even for the relatively low percentage of performers that truly rake in the gigantic amounts of cash remember that the shelf life of their careers isn't that long.
Performing in the adult industry isn't like being a waitress or office worker where they can work in that job from the time they become an adult until they are in their 60s. Almost all of them only have a small handful of years where they can be viable, and they have to make as much money as possible in that amount of time to offset that. It's even worse when one considers that the stigma of their line of work will probably create problems in the future for their future job prospects or just their life in general. Because of that the money they make now might have to stretch for a very long time. They aren't payed like major sport superstars or A list celebrities. I wouldn't be surprised if some low to mid level secretary significantly outpaces them in pay over their careers compared to what most adult industry people make in their careers' short window and with a lot less baggage for example.
There's more. Lets just put all I said above aside for the sake of argument. They are providing what could be considered as much of a purely entertainment luxury product as something can get. They aren't trying to price gouge people while selling medicine, education, food, some other necessity of life, or even something that's needed for day to day living. What they do also doesn't hurt other people. So, why the hell should they accept less money than they could be or already are making? Just for the hell of it? Just because some people out there plain don't fell like paying them that much? There are enough people out there that are willing to pay them what they are getting so why should they make less? If the place where you work for suddenly wanted to pay you a much higher rate of pay for what you're doing I have a feeling you are not going to turn it down.
With that said I think many of them miss picking a good price point for their material and overall on a cost/benefit analysis miss the mark by turning off more people by the cost of their material than what is gained by the people that are willing to pay a certain amount, but that's a totally different discussion. You just want them to make less money because you don't want pay as much. Sure it would be very cool if they dished out great porn on the cheap, but it's not like I feel I have some inherent right to receive that.