Your Craziest Conspiracy Theory

I already mentioned mine in the game a section a few minutes ago but I believe that The New York Yankees had John F Kennedy killed due the raging jealousy that Joe D'maggio had over the fact that JFK and Marilyn Monroe may or may not have been close at one point.
Elvis and Jimi Hendrix are secretly bringing Jesus back to earth in a stolen UFO to set mankind straight in 2009.



Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I believe the US government planned and carried out 911 in order to start a huge war, scare the people into unity and submission under their rule, and to have a carte blanche to do whatever the hell they wanted and focus all of the people's money on the military and away from domestic social issues, also to control territory and oil and achieve power, and to allow the right wingers to win a second term after they plotted and executed the perfect stolen election (i.e. somehow rigged) in 2000.


Ditto. Or at least had complete knowledge of it, let it happen and assisted certain buildings to aid the anger of the US citizen to promote a war plan that has spread from a 3rd world toilet, that couldn't have defended itself against us to another toilet that was still crippled from the Gulf war. Now's it's backfired in his face. But there's been too many questions and in this day and age of video cameras, too many people watching and questioning. If it came out, it would lead to civil war, or at least one Hell of an uprising.

And the fact that UFO's have crashed on Earth, some landed and have had an exchange of intelligence that the Governement is slowly releasing over the years through patents. Carbon Fiber... LEDS, etc...
The only reason they don't tell us, is it would lead to a complete breakdown of the religious system, because they believe they are the center of the universe. If it came out there would be two camps, the Believers and non-believers. Forget normal everyday things...


what the fuck you lookin at?
I bellieve...ah hell...I dunno what I believe anymore, we're fucked any way you look at it!


Closed Account
I believe the US government planned and carried out 911 in order to start a huge war, scare the people into unity and submission under their rule, and to have a carte blanche to do whatever the hell they wanted and focus all of the people's money on the military and away from domestic social issues, also to control territory and oil and achieve power, and to allow the right wingers to win a second term after they plotted and executed the perfect stolen election (i.e. somehow rigged) in 2000.

...that's not that crazy, and there are about 2039420359 people who agree with y ou.


Closed Account
I think a master alien race catalyzed human evolution from monkeys that were slowly evolving here and are watching us like a bad reality show.


Hiliary 2020
The Doobie Brothers aren't really brothers aftar all, they're actually illigitement half brothers twice removed from they're mothers brothers great aunts fathers cousins step-sisters side.
The Doobie Brothers aren't really brothers aftar all, they're actually illigitement half brothers twice removed from they're mothers brothers great aunts fathers cousins step-sisters side.

:rofl: Anytime someone mentions the doobie brothers can't help but think about them appearing on the 70s sitcom "What's Happening?!?" and the line "Which Doobie do be you be?"

To get back on topic. I definitely believe there is a cover-up on alien life. I don't think we necessarily possess any crafts or dead bodies, but the gvt knows they are out there.


Closed Account
Elvis and Jimi Hendrix are secretly bringing Jesus back to earth in a stolen UFO to set mankind straight in 2009.


You have part of it right. Jimi is simply a helper though, its the big E's plan and its all coming down in 2008 during the election. At least thats what I've heard.

Whenever you mysteriously loose a sock while washing and drying them and you no longer have a full pair it's because it shifts into some alternate dimension.
we are all living in a computer used as batteries for machine in the real world
Fox is a closet conservative. He posts left-wing claptrap to rile us into voting for conservative candidates. :rolleyes:
I wouldn't have to. They fix the elections anyway. ;) And aren't all US politicians really just conservatives?
LOL! Maybe my theory isn't so crazy after all. :)