Your Best...

What is your absolute best/strongest character quality or trait?

Kindness? Patience? Generosity? Charity?

Additionally, where (or how) do you wish to improve in these types of things in yourself (if you feel deficient)?

:hatsoff: :) :thumbsup:
My best quality is a draw between honesty and the ability to listen.

I hate my temper because ot takes me far to long to get worked up and get angry. Some people may think this is good but I don't like it as it means when I do eventually lose my temper it takes me a hell of a long time to make up for my mistakes and get back on good terms with those who I lose it with.

I am also very over competitive.
Good reply, JJ. I wonder why no one else has replied. lol Maybe they don't think they have anything good in themselves! lmao

Well, even though my user name may make some of you think other wise, I strive to be very kind and to help others when needed! I am also brutally honest & generous, which has been a curse from time to time! LOL
It takes an act of God to anger me but like jimbo_jim when I do get angry I say and do things that I usually regret!
Nightfly said:
Good reply, JJ. I wonder why no one else has replied. lol Maybe they don't think they have anything good in themselves! lmao


Where is your reply to your own question? :tongue:
Im logging off now but I will answer when I come back on
I really can't say for sure, but chances are that sensibility may be my strongest trait. I'm usually a good friend.

On the other hand I wish I could be more honest...
Patience is near the top, creativity is there also. Does being a good dad count? I hope so cause i do a damn good job if i do say so myself. My sense of humor, my imagination. My curse is that i am a very nice guy, why a curse you may ask? Because nice guys finish last and women lie when they say they want a nice guy to treat them right. The ones i have met and been around in the past, oh................4 years seem to go for the assholes,drunks, idiots, etc. Sorry, i will step off my soapbox now. Again, sorry.:2 cents:
halo68 said:
... Because nice guys finish last and women lie when they say they want a nice guy to treat them right. cents:

Well I know exactly how you feel man! But you worded that statement about "the nice guy" all wrong! It should read: "Nice guys do not finish last, HELL, they don't finish at all because they were never allowed to enter the race in the first place!" :2 cents:

Well, I was a firm believer in that most of my life...feeling I would never find that special gal to change all that...but less than a year ago that all changed and now I can actually know what it feels like to be happy for once in my life!

Don't give up man...she's out there!:hatsoff:
trustworty,and a good listener.

other than that, hmm....I need to gather it back...but there is nothing than 2 best thing above. :thumbsup:
halo68 said:
My curse is that i am a very nice guy, why a curse you may ask? Because nice guys finish last and women lie when they say they want a nice guy to treat them right. :

That's not true. I am as nice as they come but I've never had this problem. You need to learn how to be a nice guy and not be a doormat. That's what you were really reffering to about girls lying about wanting nice guys. The truth is, girls don't want a doormat, they want a nice guy who can also be very bold, and dominant in the relationship/friendship. Not saying you suppose to be a dictator, but someone who girls can feel protected and comfortable with.


Closed Account
My ability to work with my hands. I'll never go hungry or poor, because I can build and grow. My back is broken, and my feet are flat, I'll never be one of the beautiful people, but I keep their world going.
I had to think of this for a while. I can't say I have a best quality. I guess I have a lot of good qualities. I try to be as honest as I can to others and myself because sometimes the worst person you can lie to is yourself. I would like to think I am dedicated, I don’t waiver from my core beliefs and principles. I like to think I am devoted. There are things I will choose death before doing or letting them be done to me, and there are things I would die for. I have a lot of willpower, whenever a hard choice comes up involving willpower I like to think there is nothing to it but to do it.

I’m reflective and try to think through why I feel the way I do, and to make sure it makes logical sense. I don’t want to believe in something just because it was what somebody else has tried to program within me. I try not to think form only a lot of points of view, but from every point of view. That doesn’t mean I will necessarily change what I think, but I try to get inside the other persons head. That might be from all the time I just sat back and watched how peopled behaved and the fact I always try to stay 10 steps ahead of everybody else. I try to have as much foresight as possible and think of what consequences my actions will have now, as short time from now and far into the future. However if a decision needs to be made quickly I have prepared myself as best as possible to make the right one quick. I can understand when no decision might be worse situation of all.

Some people might say I’m a little iconoclastic, but I’m not that way just for the sake of being an iconoclast. I just don’t think the reasoning that something should be done because it’s tradition or it’s the way it has always been done is good enough. However that absolutely doesn’t mean I will try to fix something that isn’t broken.

Even if I don’t show it, I do have a high amount of empathy with other people, however still doesn’t mean I will agree with them. I will use that to make sure my decision is the right one. I have the courage of my convictions and won’t back down from saying what I believe just because it might not be popular or others might be too timid to express their view in that situation. I have both a warm heart and a coolly logical side that I use to enhance each other; I don’t let emotions control the way I think. I think with my brain and love with my heart. I am impossible to anger to the point that I lose control. In fact I might become more controlled when I am angry.

A lot more things are black and white to me and I probably have less shades of gray than the average person. Even thought I might get sad I never get depressed. I try to overcome what is against me and not to let what is against me overcome me.

I can make the tough decisions if they have to be made. I believe that there isn’t more than one truth, that is why it is called the truth. I am weary when I think others are trying to manufacture the truth for me.

I try to do the best job I can do under the circumstances I am put under. In fact I probably go farther than I should when the people I am doing it for don’t deserve it. When I do a bad job, unlike a lot of other people today, when I should have done better, I am ashamed because it reflects poorly on my and maybe my family.
I can have both single-minded devotion and look at the big picture. I will never sacrifice my principles for convenience, or advantage, or some perceived short term gain. I don’t trample upon others for my own gain even if I don’t always help them, which is seldom that I am able to do so. I think others as human being have a certain lever of decency they should be given and certain rights that are inalienable and should never be taken away from them. While I think my way is the right way I don’t try to force my way onto others. I think everybody should be allowed to believe and do what they want as long as they don’t infringe upon others or me.

Some things that might not be good qualities to some people are the fact that I have a hard time trusting anybody fully. The only things I have ever fully trusted besides myself are my father and God, and my dad is getting old and is in the twilight of his life. Even other people it takes a long time to earn my trust. Trust is always earned to. It is very hard to get and very easy to loose. I don’t make friends easily because I take friendship very seriously. It isn’t just something I flaunt around. I believe a true friend is like part of my family and should be treated as such. Sometimes I focus of perfection and introspection so much I forget to have fun. I probably should have more fun, but that is something that has been significantly lowered on my life’s priority list because I didn’t consider it as important as other things and because of necessity. I get too annoyed when others make sloppy mistakes. I don’t like hypocrites and sometimes I will call them out on it when it might be best to keep my mouth shut in that situation. Sometimes I just need to let things go and not make an argument that isn’t necessary or that important even when I am right. I am a realist and sometimes don’t see as much hope that there is in the world as I should. I will assume the worse and prepare for the worse case scenario.

That is all I can think of for now.
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drdeath67 said:
Well I know exactly how you feel man! But you worded that statement about "the nice guy" all wrong! It should read: "Nice guys do not finish last, HELL, they don't finish at all because they were never allowed to enter the race in the first place!" :2 cents:

Well, I was a firm believer in that most of my life...feeling I would never find that special gal to change all that...but less than a year ago that all changed and now I can actually know what it feels like to be happy for once in my life!

Don't give up man...she's out there!:hatsoff:
Appreciate the comment but i'm not looking for them i'm letting them look for me, it's time THEY did all the work this time. My ex-wife left a lot of damage that will take years to fix and heaven help her if someone does come along and gets pissed at her for what she done to me. I agree on what you said about not being able to enter the race, truer words were never spoken my friend.
I think I have an aura that calms people down when I'm near them. Some people get so enraged, and I just plop over next to them and act goofy or talk to them. Whatever works :dunno:
Funny, I can make anyone laugh if I want to.
Im a nice guy, but I never finish last unless i give up on something.
If I want something i go for it, and dont give up until I get it.
I know when to put my foot down. No one ever has or ever will walk over me or disrespect me. Woman or Man
I defend my friends
Im honest and will tell u what I think brutal or not, but at the same time I know when to chill out depending on how that person is.
I can read people easily.
Im confident but not cocky/arrogant
Im silly so im fun to be around.

I could go on but i dont wanna sound arrogant lol :D
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