You Go, Mike Tyson!

Such a delightful clip left on YouTube in 2014. I never saw it so it's new to me. Mike must have been off his meds not being able to find a Walgreen's in Toronto.

I promise this is good!

Such a delightful clip left on YouTube in 2014. I never saw it so it's new to me. Mike must have been off his meds not being able to find a Walgreen's in Toronto.

I promise this is good!

Holy shit!!


Post of the week!!!
That host was 2 seconds away from getting his ass beat for sure.

Iron Mike should have soup boned that muthafucka.

There was no reason to bring up his past. It was irrelevant to Rob Ford who already had enough problems on his own. He wouldn’t have brought up any other celebrity’s past.
In Tyson’s 5150/24/7/365 head I think the phony morning talk show host was starting to resemble Evander Holyfield. Morning Latte Boy was legit frightened enough his gonads and Adam’s Apple kissed. Tyson’s keeper did nothing when Mikey snapped his leash and ran wild.



Hiliary 2020
He should have Mitch Greene'd his ass.


The interviewer is just reading a script.
It was the owners of the station that set Mike up to be cheap shotted like that.


Hiliary 2020

That was great!.
I never saw that.
I like Tyson. Sure he was cocky (I hate that word) when he was Champ, but he had a right to be.
JUst like Arnold was when he was by far the best in his thing.

That interview is kinda sad. Mike was all happy and positive and that guy had to go a bring up the rape thing and on live tv even..
Really shitty thing to do.