He's probably staring you down for calling him a "nerd."
We prefer the term "geek."
Err...I mean, I've HEARD that's what they wanna be called. Yeah, that's right.
Or it could just be his wife :1orglaugh
He's probably thinking:
"Damn, kids today. They just don't take the series as serious as we used to. I mean come on, a waistless stormtrooper outfit? Luke and Chewey could have blasted right through that when they Han and the bots stormed the Death Star ..... pfft!
I hate my life" :crying:
That Type of Storm Trooper is A Sharpshooter Trooper (Sniper) Or A Speed Trooper ( Rides a Speederbike)
He's probably thinking:
"Damn, kids today. They just don't take the series as serious as we used to. I mean come on, a waistless stormtrooper outfit? Luke and Chewey could have blasted right through that when they Han and the bots stormed the Death Star ..... pfft!
I hate my life" :crying: