Yeah, it's wrong to celebrate someone's misfortune... but The Situation got arrested!!! YAY!!!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
So, you are saying that if you got offered 9M$ by MTV to star on a reality show, you would decline or you took the money and then commit suicide?
Yes, if I was offered 9 million dollars to star in a reality show, I'd decline. That's an easy decision. I abhor reality TV, and I have no desire to be on television.

To be honest, i sense a bit of envy and i'd be really curious to see you guys being offered the chance to be on TV for 9M$ and see what you choose.
Ah, well, you sense incorrectly. I've never heard of the guy until this article. And it sounds like he's going to jail for tax evasion... so not much to envy there. Plus, I learned that he's on The Jersey Shore. And while I've never seen that show, I'm pretty confident that it's garbage. So he can have that gig. More power to him. Again though, not really interested in being offered 9 million dollars to be on TV. That's also an implausible hypothetical. Nobody is offering high school teachers big contracts to film their everyday lives.

This guy does not affect my life a bit, to the contrary of the other two i mentioned. I'm not sure how he affects yours so much to wanting him dead or to throw a party to celebrate his arrest :dunno:
Nope, doesn't affect my life either. And I didn't suggest partying or even wanting him dead. My line that he could be safely eliminated was (mostly) facetious. We don't shoot people for tax evasion. That's a little harsh.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
See, now this is proof that Karma really does exist. However, personally, it's my belief that wasting your Karma "points" on shit like a celebrity failure, or incarceration is, well just a waste. If you're going to wish pain, death, or anguish on should be people in your life, that give you the urge to pick up a ball peen hammer, and dimple their skulls, until it looks like a golf ball.