XoXoLeah Perfect 10 you decide

XoXoLeah Perfect 10 you decide

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XoXoLeah is one of the very few top models to come about in the last couple years that has a chance of being among the best for any significant time. Everybody else at the top seems to be in their late 20s or older already. She could be huge if she's smart.


Really fine woman, but I never liked that "trashy" look ...dyed hair with dark eyebrows.
Like slinker said, if she even smiled at me in a bar I'd grow at least 6".
Absolutely a 9, unless she looked at me...immediate upgrade!
she IS hot theres no doubt about that but i see girls this hot in every city, so she is averagely fantastic model = 7/10 for me.

For a comparison i'd give Keeley and Michelle Marsh 9/10 and Lucy pinder 8/10


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
8 great face but tits are a let down

Her tits are the best part! At least from the pic and immediate few links on her readily-available pages.

And I dont even fancy her! I'm just defending a gal. Sorta ironic, tho. Hmm.