Makes you wonder why she doesn't do such regular shows, huh? And rake in all that bread?
Indeed. Maybe the biz is not as profitable as it's purported to be? I mean, I read an article the other day that the competition in adult modelling and porn in general is so intense than most mainstream porn companies are either out of business or reinventing themselves in order to survive.
Perhaps Gisele is a victim of her own success and now the competition is too fierce for her... :2 cents:
I don't think it's that to be quite honest. I just think shes pursuing another career because shes just had enough of this one. It doesn't make sense for her to completely disappear as she has .... Or like I said earlier shes got a new man in her life ... Not all men can accept a partner doing this kind of profession. I really feel its that more then anything else.
Did she ever say why she stopped posting on here? Seems like she is content to provide just enough content to keep her most loyal fans interested and hoping for better.
She hasn't posted anything here since at least a year and half now. Never said why.