I couldn't agree more. They suck royally. They look like something sweet Timmy Cook's team would have dreamed up over in Cupertino.
I've never cared for Cadillacs, but I have a fondness for them
now. Makin' her breathe hard. 😍
Now time to make her bounce a little in a Raptor.
I miss Gisele coming on here and doing some car chat. Wonder if she still has her Corvette?
...OK guys, just check out the number of views on YT these videos have had 😲
...with these kind of numbers, why didn't she take her brand to the next level?
After she'd done Playboy I thought that would've become a regular thing, but not.
Always thought she'd do some of the erotic model websites like DDF etc but again, she didn't.
Never did the paid for videos thing, pretty sure that would've been lucrative (Modelhub, manyvids etc...)
The custom stuff looked to be problematic for her and never seemed to take off properly, I've read comments in here about undelivered videos... also she made a few statements about proposed content for the official site that never came to pass, personally I found that annoying because of the anticipation involved but then no explanations were offered when things didn't materialise...
Seems clear to me now that she didn't want to get any bigger than the camming and member site for some reason? Maybe she
always had one foot out the door so to speak?

Despite what I've just said, she was still awesome at the stuff she
did do, so I'm thankful for that 😁